Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sunshine / Sonshine

      I love the sunshine. So you can imagine after several days of dreary gray skies and rain and more gray skies and more rain ... and more - did I say rain?  --when I walked out to the car this morning and noticed the bright, beautiful sunshine I definitely had a WOO HOO moment!  I drive 22 miles to work every day and I spent every mile thanking God for the beautiful sunshine today.  I love the sky on a sunny day!  The brilliant stark white of the clouds against the vibrant blue of that vast endless  sky is a truly beautiful sight.  It is my opinion that everything looks so much better under the bright sunlight.  Colors are more alive -- lines and shapes are more distinct and everything just seems so much clearer under the light of a sunny sky.  
      A friend recently told me that some doctors call the winter months - "the dark months." It seems people are more susceptible to emotional depression during these months because of the lack of sunshine.  While I have not done any research on this, it makes sense to me.  God designed the earth so that sunlight is required for the well being of living things - both plant and animal.  This includes us humans.  The world grows and thrives in the sunlight.  I suppose that is why God made the sun BEFORE he made the plants, and animals.  There is no chance of life on earth without the Sun.

     Just as the the world requires the sun for its physical and emotional well being.  So we require -- we NEED the Son's light for our spiritual well being.  God set the Sun in the sky to provide for the earth.  He gave us His only begotten Son to provide for our souls.  His death, His blood washed our sins away. We have no life - no hope of eternal life without the Son.   And His life -- His word lights our way as we go.  Jesus told us "I am the LIGHT OF THE WORLD."  If we have Him -then we have all the light we need to make it through anything --ANYTHING - the world throws at us.  If we don't have Him - then we are in darkness.  And the devil rules the darkness. 
    Christ is not here in the physical sense to give us that light.  He has ascended into heaven to be with the Father.  But we have His word given to us through the Spirit and that testifies of Him.  So we have access to that life- giving light.  That's not all though -- as His children, He tells us in Matthew 5:14  that "Ye are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid."  You see if He abides in us - if we are living for the light, we will literally shine --if we, or shall I say AS we live for Him -- as we are in HIM - then we become His lights in the world.  And if we are full of the light --then there won't be any hiding us.  The world will not be able to miss us and as we glorify Him others will be drawn to the true Light; to Jesus Christ our Lord.

     As we soak in the sun in the sky for brightness and warmth -- so we soak in the Son -- absorb Him into our souls - our spirits -for spiritual warmth and comfort. He is our Healer - our Comforter --our Light. I can't wait to get to Heaven -- where there will be no more darkness -- where we will be in the Light - with the Light forever!
    If you are walking in the Light - stay there.  Please!  The world needs you.  Go out and Shine!

Christ above all things,


  1. I love this...matches your background. :) As soon as I woke up this morning and saw sunshine coming through the window, I had a WOO HOO moment, too!
