Friday, January 11, 2013


    In my lifetime, I have heard many different lessons on the subject of joy taught from many different perspectives.  As I thought about this blog and began to look at scriptures, I was overwhelmed with the number of passages that contain the word joy.  This accounts for the various types of lessons that can be taught on the topic.  There is joy in serving our Lord.  One of the fruits of the Spirit - the second one listed- is joy.  There is joy in giving, joy in thankfulness, joy in the resurrection and joy in the hope of our salvation.  Each one of these can be expounded on at great length and are wonderful lessons to ponder. 
     However, one of my favorite passages using the word joy is Jude v. 23 & 24.  "Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen."  Isn't that just a very beautiful portion of God's word?  Yes, HE deserves our praise because He is the only wise God.  But did you notice the use of the word joy? 
      Sometimes as I study the word of God, mental pictures pop up inside my head.  It helps me remember the scripture and its sentiment.  The picture I imagine helps give meaning to what I am reading.  OK - back to the use of the word joy .... Jude is offering his praise to Him who is able to keep us from falling.  Well, have you ever nearly fallen and someone grabbed you just in the nick of time to keep you from hitting the ground?  Can you picture the Lord Jesus reaching out to grab your hand and keep you from falling into the pit of sinfulness?  What a beautiful thing to imagine! 
     Now the Lord knows our hearts and there is a huge difference between making a decisive choice to walk away from the path of Light and having your heart in the right place, but occasionally slipping just a little.  John tells us if we walk in the Light, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins (as we confess them).  I John 1:7-9.  If we are truly trying - the Lord will help us.  He will hold us up; set us straight and put us back on the right path.  
    OK - Robin -- how does Christ do that?  How does He "keep me from falling and present me faultless before the presence of His glory?"  Well certainly through His sacrifice and by His blood.  His blood continually cleanses us.  And as John says, our Lord is faithful and just.  These are comforting scriptures. 
     But have you ever been there?  Have you ever been at the brink of making a poor decision and then someone comes along and offers a word of encouragement, or someone sends a profound email or maybe you run across a fellow Christian somewhere and they say, "You know, I've been praying for you?"  Do you think maybe that He sent someone to help Him keep you from falling?  OR MAYBE - you have let God use you to help keep someone else from falling?  Could you be the one to offer encouragement or lift up a prayer at just the right time?

     Just to know that God and Christ love us enough to save us and then  are able to keep us from falling too is cause for exceeding joy for us!  But Jude is not talking about our exceeding joy.   He is talking about our Saviour's.  Our salvation - our choice to walk with Him - our willingness to reach out and grab that hand so we don't fall and then to hold on to for dear life.  That we choose to cling to Him --that He can present us as faultless before the presence of His glory --this causes Him exceeding joy.  Wow! 
     Jude's words remind me of Hebrews 12:2.  The Hebrew writer says that " who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand at the throne of God."  And it is there, at that throne where HE presents us faultless before the presence of His glory.  With exceeding joy- He presents us to His Father ...faultless....we are His! 

Christ above all things,


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