Monday, May 2, 2016

It's Not All About Me -- It is All About HIM

     Sometimes it is difficult to trust God.  We get so wrapped up in our lives ... our busyness ... our own self-interests ... that we forget what life is really all about.  We go along in our own little world -- from work, to home, to family, to worship on Sunday, to sleep and back again.  We get set up in our nice little routines ..and then BAM!!!  Reality hits us right smack in the face.
      Sometimes that smack may be a little thing that carries a big impact -- sometimes it comes from some event much more substantial.  Whatever the source ... we come to the realization that it's not all about us.  Your life - my life - is not all about us.  It is not all about our spouse, our work or even  our children (honestly, it's not).  At least, it's not supposed to be.  It is supposed to be about serving Him.
      I have to be reminded of this at times -- it isn't always the easiest lesson to learn.  But if I love my Savior, I must learn to realize my life is not all about me.  Sometimes I can imagine Him telling me - "It is not all about you, Robin.  It is all about Me.  Serve Me.  Love Me." 
      Life is not about doing what makes us happy.  It's just not.  Our lives are supposed to be about Jesus.  We are supposed to be about all about Jesus  -- about loving Him and living for Him.
      We should learn to Love like He does, Live like He did, have Compassion and Mercy like He does, Serve like He did.  We should learn to have the same Humility He did. We should learn to focus on the Father's will like Christ did. 
      It isn't always easy because we have a carnal nature.  Sometimes we have to reign our selfishness in,  we have to tone down our pride,  and learn to think of others.  So sometimes when we are reminded of this through something that happens in our lives -- we have to pull ourselves up by the boot straps and give ourselves a good talking to. 
     We have to remember scriptures like Romans 12:1-2 and realize that in order to become a living sacrifice we do have to transform ourselves by renewing our minds -- because it takes a different way of thinking to learn to have a servant heart.  Maybe we think of John chapter 13 where Jesus washed the apostles' feet as an example to teach them humility. 
      Maybe we have to remember how Christ healed the 10 lepers and only one came back to thank Him and maybe we need to pray that we aren't like one of the nine.  Maybe we need to remember how Zacchaeus climbed that sycamore tree just to get a glimpse of the Savior when everyone was blocking his view.  Maybe we need to pray we have the same kind of seeking heart that Zacchaeus had.  
     Our lives might be the only chance some folks will have of ever "seeing" Jesus.  We must be careful not to block their view by our selfishness.  Christ loves us all ... He died for us all.  He knows how different we are.  He recognizes that sometimes we need a wake up call. 
      But Jesus also remembers what it was like to live on this earth and He knows how frail we are.  And He cares for us and cares for what we go through.  We can cast all our cares on Him.  And when we remember that it really is not about us -- it is absolutely all about Him  -- then He will be there ready for us -- and we will know we can totally trust Him to care of things.  Then we will realize again just how much He loves us. 
       Life really is all about Jesus.  Love Him.  Serve Him. 

Christ above all things,