Thursday, January 17, 2013

Gaining Strength from Prayer

     Several years ago (and I may be aging myself here) there was a series of commercials that pictured a woman in the midst of various highly stressful situations - whether it be in a traffic jam with what seemed to be hundreds of vehicles all stuck on a super highway with no one moving an inch; or trying to referee two or three children involved in a heated or argument; or maybe in a tough work situation where everyone is wanting something from her all at the same time.  The woman looks off into space and says "Calgon, take me away!"  In an instant the scene changes from the highly stressful one - to one where the woman is soaking in a luxurious bubble bath. 
     Do you ever feel like that?  You know that feeling, don't you?  It is the kind of feeling where you just want to get away from it all; go off to a place all by yourself and take some time just for you.  Nothing wrong with that.  It is perfectly normal.  We are all human and it's a tough old world we live in sometimes.  A brief escape can be very rejuvenating.
    Even Jesus needed a break now and then.  He often took time to be alone and rest.  These were the times when he prayed to the Father.  That is how He refreshed Himself --how he gathered strength to make it through another day.  Have you ever wondered what Jesus' life was really like after He started His ministry?  He had people worshipping Him because they believed in Him.  They truly loved Him and honored Him. But they depended on Him to teach them about the Father.  Then there were those who followed Him only for what He could give them or help them with.  Jesus healed multitudes and multitudes of people.  Maybe there were some who came just to see what kind of miracle He would perform next.  There are "thrill seekers" in the world now -- I am sure there were some back then too.  Then He had all those following Him just so they could find something wrong with what He did -- you know just so they could complain about Him or question His motives.  The Pharisees and the scribes just absolutely seemd to never give Him a break.  They tested Him - tried to get Him to mess up somehow.
     With all this going on around Him, no wonder Jesus sought solace from time to time.  I can certainly understand it. But God was there for Him, comforting Him and strengthening Him all along the way.  The Heavenly Father looked out for Jesus all His life.  He had the angels in heaven singing when He was born.  God was there when Jesus was baptized by John, proclaiming "this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."  (Matthew. 3:17)  After Jesus' fasted 40 days and nights and withstood the tempations of Satan, God sent angels to minister to Him. (Matthew 4:11)
      There are many instances when Jesus sought solitude to be His Father.  Let's consider a few scriptures.
     Mark 1:35  "And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed."  
    Luke 6:12 -"And it came to pass in those days, that He went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God."
     Matthew 14:23 -"And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up into a mountain apart to pray; and when the evening was come, He was there alone."
     One more (although there are others) Luke 5:16 -"And He withdrew Himself into the wilderness and prayed."
       That Jesus sought solitude so that He could be the Father speaks volumes to me.  He needed that time with God and if Jesus needed that what on earth makes us think that we could ever get along without it?  You think that is maybe why Paul told us to "Pray without ceasing?"  I Thess. 5:17  We can reap the same benefits that Christ did during His times in prayer.  We will gain strength.  We will be refreshed.  We will gather the courage to make it through another day.  God will be there for us, just like He was there for Christ our Savior.  He is waiting for us to come to Him.  Seek Him out.  So pray to your Father - talk to Him.  Tell Him what is going on in your life.  He cares, he really cares.  Your solitude with Him will build you up and give you that peace that passes understanding.  Try it, you will see. It really will be worth it. 

God bless you and remember -Christ above all things,


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