Saturday, January 5, 2013

I can -- we all can!

    God tells us in Ecclesiastes 1:9 - "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."  That's a very interesting verse to me, especially when I think of phrases we use in our modern language and compare them to scriptures found in the Bible.  You know, like that one that says "History repeats itself."  :)
     I also think of this verse when I remember the child's story of "The Little Engine That Could" -  remember that little engine got all the way up the hill saying "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can?"  What about Nike's slogan - "Just Do It,"  or my own Dad's often used phrase to us kids - "Don't say you are going to try, say you are going to do."  Dad does make a good point, trying implies failure.  All of these sayings, and probably some you can think of too, stress the importance of a good attitude and how vital it is for success.   
     The verse these cliches' always remind me of is Philippians 4:13.  Come on now, most of you probably know this one by heart.  "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."   It is a good one to know - to memorize - to let become part of your psyche.  I can -- I can what?  Do all things -- all things? Huh, how's that?  Through Christ?  Christ - OK, well that makes sense.  He is our Savior and God's Son after all.  But what kind of all things?  Just what are you talking about, Paul?  All things which strengthen me.  Oh!  I see --the things which strengthen me -- those things I choose to do (and shouldn't it be everything I do) through Christ - those are the things that He will enable me to do! 
     Tim, the minister at our congregation, presented a lesson last Sunday largely based on Philippians 4:13.  It was a great lesson about one word we shouldn't use in 2013.  The word was can't.  The lesson was important.  It was a challenge for us personally and as a congregation - to pursue those things which will strengthen us.  Isn't it encouraging to know if what you are doing is a good thing - through Christ - that He is going to enable you to do it?   What a wonderful promise! 
    In the verses preceding this one, Paul says he has learned to be content in whatever state he finds himself.  Then he mentions several opposites - abased - abound; full - hungry; abound - suffer need.  The message here is that it doesn't matter what is going on in Paul's life - because he is living for and doing things "through Christ" - for Christ - then He knows Christ will help him accomplish those goals.  What strengthened Paul was to preach the gospel -- and boy, was Christ there for him!  He preached the gospel every where he went - in and out of prison and throughout the world. 
     OK - so for us - for me and you -- how does this apply?  When I say I can't read my Bible every day - I just never seem to find the time.   Well, would reading and studying my Bible every day strengthen me?  Will remembering to pray every day strengthen me?  What silly questions!  Of course, they will strengthen me -- so CAN I do them?  Yes, I can.  Will I do it is another question.  But I certainly cannot truthfully say that I cannot do it.  Right? 
     What other things would strengthen me?  Treating others with kindness, love and respect?  Taking the time to tell our family members we love them?  Letting go of that grudge we've held onto for so long?  Sharing a laugh with a friend?  Wow -Paul did say all things - so that encompasses a lot -- and I just realized there are several areas I need to really need to work on. 
     But I know I can - if I want to - if I put my mind to it and if I choose to live my life through Christ .. I can!  We all can!

Christ above all things,


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