Do you ever allow yourself to run so low on gasoline in your vehicle that you are afraid you might not make it to the gas station? Have you ever run completely out of gas? I was thinking about this the other day on the way to work. You see, my gas tank was very low and I was afraid I wouldn't make it all the way there. I get in a hurry to get where I am going and I never stop to even look at my tank before I start out. I know that is a dangerous practice. Getting stranded on the side of the road would NOT be a good thing. I would be much better off if I double checked my car before I started my journey!
I would also be much better off spiritually if I took inventory before I started my day. If I took the time to make sure I had enough spiritual energy to make it through the day, I am sure things would go much more smoothly. I mean just think about it.... we are extremely blessed every day -whether we stop to talk to God before it begins or not. But think about what your days are like when you do take the time to talk to the Lord first. What is your day like when you ask Him to take your troubles away? If I talked to my Heavenly Father first thing every morning about my worries and concerns, if I asked Him to hold onto them instead of me clinging to them thinking I can solve my problems myself --wow, how much better would my day have been! But I shouldn't stop there - after asking Him to take away my worries and troubles, then I should ask Him to bless me with a good day. My point is that if you communed with the Father at the beginning of the day, you are filling up. You are taking care of yourself. A certain peace and joy comes from true fellowship in prayer to the Father. By filling up in this way, then you have the strength to face whatever the day will bring, even if it is some of the same troubles and cares we dealt with yesterday, and the day before that... and, well you get my point. It is our God who gives us the strength and the faith to go on.
I once saw a sign in front of a church building that said, "Prayer is the exercise; faith is the muscle." Indeed, prayer does wonders for building up your faith. It is an absolutely wonderful exercise in helping you gather your strength to carry on through the journey of your day. Prayer fills you up. The stronger your faith is -- the more full your tank is - the more prepared you will be to face the obstacles along life's road. There is less chance of getting stranded by the side of the road. If you are full of your faith because of the prayer life with your Lord -- then you know He is working in your life and you are just not going to allow things to throw you off track.
So fill up every day -- and even several times during the day if the case is such that you need to. Life is just a lot easier if you don't push it to the limit by driving so close to empty all the time.
Christ above all things,
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