Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"They Put Nails in His Hands"

            Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives that we don't even take time to think about God's goodness and His grace.  Our God is an awesome God.  He is not willing that any of us should perish.  He wants to be with us.  He wants us to diligently seek Him.  But sometimes life gets so crazy that we allow our thoughts to drift away from what really matters.  Then thankfully, sometimes something happens to snap us back to attention.  I had such an experience Wednesday night.  It was before class started.  One of my students had not yet arrived, but my other little friend was there.  He and I were talking with one another and he looked at me very seriously, held out his little hands and pointing to them one at a time said, "They put nails in His hands right here." 
What? I asked.
 "They put nails in Jesus' hands and His feet.  They put nails in His feet.  They nailed his feet together."
"Yes, I know," I said. 
"It hurt Him."  He said. 
          Talking about bringing you back into focus!!  Have an innocent little two year old child tell you about Jesus' sacrifice.  That will open your eyes in a heartbeat!  You understand how good God is.  How wonderful grace is.  This child is totally innocent right now.  He is safe.   We know God protects little children.  I am not sure how much of the gospel he knows yet; but he does know that Jesus gave His life on the cross.  As he grows - he will learn many more details about Christ's love and His sacrifice.  He will learn about the burial and resurrection of the Son of God.  I was filled with so many mixed emotions as I sat watching this little fella.  
       First of all, like I said - it made me think of how wonderful grace is.  I realized that I should never ever take the sacrifice of Christ lightly.  I have heard some people say that to think about or comemorate the death of Christ too often will somehow numb us as to what a great sacrifice it is.  I think we should ever remember the blood of Christ.  We should ever be thankful.  His love, the Father's love and the love of the Spirit is immeasurable.  
        My student is learning early about the sacrifice of Christ.  Like I said earlier, right now he is safe and innocent right now.  But children grow up and become old enough to be accountable for their actions. When this time comes for him - whenever that is - he will already have learned about Christ's great love for him.  He will know that Christ died for him. And through study of God's word, this young Bible student will know how to follow God's pattern of salvation.
       I was truly touched by the knowledge of my little friend.  I was even more touced at the tender way he told me "they put nails in Jesus' hands."  His compassion for Christ was evident.  We know that Christ had such great compassion for us that He died for us even when we didn't deserve it.  Shouldn't we try to focus on His sacrifice -- the pain and shame He endured and have compassion for Him?   I think so.  I really think so. 
       If you take the time to really, really stop and think about this -- about the details - from the betrayal by Judas - to the apostles' falling asleep and then all running away, except for Peter and John that is.  And then Peter's denial - "I know not the man."  Then remember the scourging - the crown of thorns - the crowds screaming "Crucify Him!"  Remember He was so weak, He couldn't carry His own cross.  Remeber the cruel mocking --  well, I could go on and on - you get the point.  How could anyone who was really meditating on this even begin to take it lightly?  Surely realizing His compassion and love for us should cause us to love Him more and more every day.

So when you feel lost and all alone -- or when you are experiencing wonderful blessing where everything is going your way -- remember you are NEVER alone.  Christ loves you.  He wants you to live in heaven with Him.  So He gave Himself for you -- died for you.  Surely, you can live for Him!

Christ above all things,

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