I have been thinking about second chances lately. Have you ever been given a second chance at something? I have -- many, many times and for different reasons. Sometimes as kids we call them "do-overs." It doesn't matter what you call it - I am thankful for second chances!
The first time I really remember being given a second chance was in 5th grade. Our history teacher had given us an assignment to write a report and present it to the class. Back then we called them "oral reports." I don't even remember what the topic was but I do remember that it was nearly my undoing. Oh, it wasn't that I didn't write the report or that I didn't practice at home. On the contrary, I was as prepared as I could possibly be - or so I thought.
I had done my research, studied the subject and written the report. After it was done, I practiced with my Mom listening. I practiced over and over and over. I don't remember Mom ever once telling me she was too busy to listen. She was very patient and very encouraging. (Thank you, Mom). The day came and it was my turn to give my report. I walked to the front of the room and faced the class. The teacher sat at her desk, smiling and waiting. And I went blank --absolutely, totally completely blank. I just froze. I could not speak one word. I couldn't remember anything I had studied. Finally, the teacher told me to please go sit down and I saw her write a big fat zero in her book. I was devastated!
Naturally, when I got home that day the whole terrible story came tumbling out of my mouth. Mom just comforted me as best she could. I don't know how she did it-- or what she said, but Mom called the school and spoke to the teacher. A couple of days later, the teacher let me try again. I made it through this time and was able to present my report. At least I didn't get that zero. I will be forever in my mom's debt for going to bat for me and for Mrs. Tannehill for giving me a second chance.
We all love second chances (or do-overs) don't we? I mean - it is a such a relief to know that you can try again. If you succeed, you know the first miserable attempt will be erased as if it never happened. A do over can be very important in a game. It can turn the tide. Ah ha -- I guess that's why the older you get -- the less often the do-overs are granted. But as young children, we get to "try again" and "again." When we eventually succeed - in catching the ball, hitting the ball or shooting the basket - we gain a sense of accomplishment. Our self esteem improves because we have learned a new skill.
As adults we give and receive second chances too. Some people get a second chance with their parents when they get in trouble; or with school authorities; or with the law. Sometimes we give friendships and even love a second chance to bloom. We love the person enough that we are willing to overlook whatever they have done -- we put it past us and move forward with the relationship.
How many of you have ever been given a spiritual do-over? I can honestly say that God has given me a second chance and oh, so much more! He is willing to forgive me every time I sincerely ask him to forgive me. God, our great and gracious God, will wipe the slate clean. He will give you that do-over to start brand new. He knows our hearts and He knows if our repentance and confession were sincere. He knows whether or not we are really trying to do better -- to quit the sin for which we have asked forgiveness. It is an awesome thing to know that God's grace has covered you!
Paul tells us when we become Christians, we become a "new man," or woman as the case may be. Our sins have been washed away. We begin our new life striving to live for Christ and to learn - continually learn and grow to be more like Him every day. Sometimes, though we slip and fall. We are not perfect. We sin every day -- But as long as we walk in the light and confess our sins - Brother John tells us in the book I John - that God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. Woo Hoo! Thank you, Lord.
Sometimes we get caught up in the world and we are pulled completely off the narrow path. We are not walking in the Light, but we are in darkness once again. God will still take us back - when we make that choice to come back and live for Christ once again. Remember the story of the prodigal? The father waited with open arms. The son was given a second chance; but only when "he came to himself" and went back to his father.
This does not mean that we are given some kind of "blanket coverage" and we can go out and do whatever we want to do and Christ's blood will wash away our sins. It doesn't work that way. A careful study of the scriptures helps us to understand that we do have to confess, repent and pray. We cannot live anyway we want to and pray for forgiveness at the end of the day and then wake up the next morning and go do the same things over again. We must be willing to change and to grow in our Christian life.
What makes these second chances possible? Well, we know it is the great love that God has for us. We have a mediator whose name is Jesus. Not only did He shed His precious blood for us, but He lived on this earth as a man for some time before He died. He never sinned -- lived a perfect life. But guess what --He has been there - He knows what the world is like. He lived life as a human being so He could understand what we are going through. He was tempted like we are -- but He resisted the temptation. That makes Jesus uniquely qualified. He was a sinless sacrifice for a sinful world AND He understands what we go through. This means that as we go to our Heavenly Father in prayer -- we go in Jesus' name - so that Jesus can represent us. Jesus goes to the Father and says - I know Robin. I understand what she is going through. We know her heart -- and Father, I lived on earth. I remember what it was like to "_________" - (you fill in the blank for your self). I know her. She is truly sorry and she needs a "do-over." That is at least part of what being our Mediator is about. Jesus can truly represent us. He can explain to the Father - He goes before God on our behalf. Like a big brother might go talk to Mom and Dad for his little brother or sister.
Second chances are wonderful! They are a gift from God. We know that God forgives -- and He wants to forgive because of His great love for us. We know God believes in giving us chance after chance - as long as are trying to live for Him. We know that is part of His nature because when Peter asked Jesus "How many times shall I forgive my brother? Seven times?" Jesus' reply was seventy times seven - which was symbolic for an endless number. So don't ever doubt that God will forgive. He will -- if you are willing to be forgiven -- to turn from your sin - and ask for that forgiveness -- and then live for Him.
I am sure I have rambled long enough, but I praise our merciful God who gives us second chances!!!
Christ above all things,
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