Aaron was nearly three years old. He was physically healthy and seemed intelligent enough. We knew he could understand what we were saying, but at three years old, he still wasn't talking very much. Oh, he would speak a few small sentences - but really he only said a few words here and there. Granted he was the youngest child and his brothers were several years older. Alex was nine and Adam was fourteen. Aaron never asked for anything. All he had to do was point and grunt. I guess that was part of the problem. But for one reason or another he just didn't say that much.
At some point my husband and I agreed he might need speech therapy, so I took him to the Regional Rehabilitation Center to find out for sure. The first thing they did was test his hearing. I wondered how they were going to do that since he was so young. Within just a few minutes I knew.
Aaron was taken into a sound proof room. The technician told him they were going to play a game. She had him sit in a chair between two rather large buckets. One bucket was empty. The other bucket was filled with big toy blocks. The lady showed Aaron a set of headphones and told him that every time he heard something through the headphones to take a block out of one bucket and put it in the empty bucket. Oh how Aaron loved playing that game! He joyfully grabbed those blocks and threw them into the other bucket one by one. As it turned out there was nothing wrong with his hearing, but he did have speech therapy for a while. It helped him tremendously. You would never know now.
So how's your hearing? Jesus said in Matthew 11: 28-30, "Come unto me all ye that labor and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Are we listening to Jesus. He tells us right here in these verses that He will help us through life IF we come unto Him. He will give us rest if we will learn of Him - follow Him. Did you hear him? He said "I will give you rest."
He will give us rest from our heavy laden sinful soul. He will take those sins away if we obey His commandments. If we take His yoke upon us -- and walk with Him - He will help us carry our burdens. Remember a yoke is made for two. So if we take on His yoke -- who else is in there with us - walking along beside us through our lives? It is our Savior - the Son of God! No wonder our burdens will be lightened. It is the King of Kings who shares our yoke with us!
Jesus say He is meek and lowly in heart. He has lived here on earth and knows what it is like to go through what we go through. He loves us so much that He gladly - willingly - shares our burdens with us - if we are walking with Him in that yoke -- if we are learning of Him. He promises we will find rest unto our souls. He says His yoke is easy and His burden is light. We all know that living the Christian life is not always easy. We are faced with tempta-tions. Life has its everyday struggles. However, when we are walking with Him - knowing He gave His life for us -- understanding the promise of Heaven is eternal -- then oh my! how much easier and lighter that burden is to bear! Your struggles on earth shared with Jesus exchanged for life in heaven, a life that will never end? Well that's a pretty rich trade off if you ask me.
I know there are many other scriptures that we need to hear - really hear. We can't just listen and say, "Oh yeah - good idea. I might try that sometime," and then go merrily on our way out in the world. We don't need to be like those Jesus refers to when he says, "They have ears to hear, but hearing they hear not." Sad - so sad to say we have heard the story of Jesus and heard His plea "Come unto me" and then just walk away.
Taking Jesus up on His invitation allows us to empty our bucket of burdens and fill it up with blessings. For Jesus has said that He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. John tells us in I John that if we walk in the light (who is the Light?) remember that yoke? -- if we walk in the light - as He is in the Light - and confess our sins, then He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. He will be our mediator between us and the Heavenly Father. The burdens of our sins are gone. We can rest in the fact that Jesus' blood has taken them away.
Oh yes, we can empty our Burden Bucket and fill up our Blessings Bucket. It is so easy - if we just listen to His plea. All we have to do is hear Him --really hear Him. Learn of Him - obey Him - take His yoke upon us. His yoke is easy. His burden is light --He will walk through life with us. He will help us bear whatever we have to face and then - then we will have that eternal rest unto our souls.
So how's your hearing? Are you listening? Can you hear Him?
Christ above all things,
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