Sunday, February 3, 2013

Take the Time to Pray

     I would like to share another poem I wrote.  This one on prayer.

Take the Time to Pray

The most important words spoken each day
are the ones we use when we pray.
For when we to turn to Him in prayer
it is our God who meets us there.

As our Father, He longs for us to share
all our troubles and all our cares.
He loves to hear about good times too -
for He is the One who gives those to you!

God listens with such love and grace;
and we can talk to Him at any time, in any place!
Even when we don't know just what to say
the Spirit gives our words to God that day.

The best way to start each day
 is to take the time to pray.
Mostly I do, but I must confess.  I'm sad to say
that I don't always start my day this way.

Do you think my God wonders why
I foolishly let the chance go by
to tell Him what's on my heart -
to give my day the best possible start?

Talking to God keeps us close.
Prayer helps my faith to grow.
I thank Him for all He has given me
including His Son who died to set me free.

I ask forgiveness for the wrongs I've done
and beg Him to keep me from the evil one.
And when my prayer comes to an end.
I'm so glad I have spoken with my Best Friend.

I cannot help but be both humbled and amazed
that my great God longs to hear me pray.
Yet the most important words I speak each day
are the ones I choose to send God's way.

So please take the time to pray
each and every single day!

Christ above all things,

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