Have you ever known someone that makes you feel better simply by being around them? Hopefully, you know several people like this. These people are naturally gifted at making others feel special. They seem to have this uncanny way of always saying just the right thing at just the right time. They are the folks who are always happy to see you. They are cheerful and always encouraging. You can't help but smile when you think of them.
Do you ever think about why people are like this? Well, for one thing they are Christians who love God and have allowed Christ to reign in their hearts. I am reminded of the children's song: "Love is a flag that's flown in the castle of my heart, the castle of my heart, the castle of my heart; love is a flag that's flown in the castle of my heart and the King is in residence there." Those who are able to make others feel special have allowed the love of God into their hearts. They let that love fly high and have placed the King of Kings in residence of their hearts. You see these Christians have learned how much God loves them. They realize that God's love has given them the hope of salvation and they acted on that faith by obeying God and becoming one of His children. In so doing, they have come to understand the love God has for the whole world. Christ the King does literally live in their hearts, for as Christians we are baptized into Christ. So you see these people are full of the love of God.
Naturally, being full like that effects the way they feel about themselves. They have come to understand that they have been bought with a precious price - which is the blood of Christ. When someone is full like that it shows. They can't help but let it show. They are joyful and happy people and they share that joy and happiness with others.
OK, now let's quit saying "they" and start saying "we." As Christians we should all strive to be this kind of person. I know some are not as vocal as others. Some enjoy meeting and greeting large groups of people; others are more reserved and like to stand a little closer to the shadows. That is fine -- that doesn't matter. We don't have to be the life of the party to treat as others as we should; to greet people with warmth and a smile, and maybe a hug for those we know well enough. It is not about being the extrovert; it is simply about being Christ like -- about being a blessing to others.
As Christians full of the love of God, we should be happy to allow Christ to reign in our hearts. As we grow in this knowledge and increase our faith we will begin to see others as God sees them. And let me tell you, to God everyone is special. We begin to really understand that as personal as our relationship is with God, His love extends to every individual. He loves us all and He is not willing that any should perish. Once we see people the way
God does --with this immeasurable love, the seeing leads to a changed way of thinking, which leads to a changed way of acting and before we know it -- we become one of those cheerful, loving and caring persons that others that everyone loves to be around.
It's a beautiful never ending circle. We love God because He first loved us. We keep His commands because we love Him. One of these commands is to love our neighbor. We understand that loving your neighbor means treating everyone with love and respect. God says that people will know us because of our love for one another.
I remember once having the opportunity after morning services to sit with one of the more senior ladies of our congregation. She was the type of person who was always so very encouraging to everyone she met. She was a special lady that I just loved to be around. That day, she was telling me she loved me and talking about what a good job I do as a Bible class teacher. Well, she was just encouraging me in her own very special way.
As we were talking a young person walked by and spoke to us. I said something about the young man being so nice and she said "Oh yes, he is one my favorites." A few minutes later another person walked by and spoke to us. As they did so, this good sister said --"Oh, she is so sweet and always so polite - she is one of my favorites." Well, it didn't take me long to understand that to this lady everybody was her favorite.
I know that might sound silly to some of you to think that everybody in her church family was one of her favorites; but it's really not hard to understand if you think about it. You see, this wonderful Christian lady was full of the love of God. And when you are that full, you can understand God's love toward others and realize that to God - we are all His favorites. So she being a daughter of God had opened her eyes enough to grasp this concept and act upon it.
Now let's bring this on home ....as Christians we are to strive to grow toward that attitude. We are to stive to be like Christ. He is definitely who we should model our lives after. And the multitudes loved being around Jesus. They thronged Him because He gave them comfort and hope and made them feel special. Everyone should be a favorite to us because that is how our God and our Christ see those that love and follow them.
Doesn't it feel grand to know you are one of His favorites? And because you are -- take the time to give others that special feeling.
Christ above all things,
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