Sunday, June 23, 2013

Unity - Working as One for Jesus

     Wow!  I apologize for being so long in posting a new blog.  We had Vacation Bible School the week of June 9th (Sunday through Thursday) and then on Friday and Saturday of that week I was diligently preparing and packing for another week of spirituality at Maywood Christian Camp from June 16th through 22nd.  Physically, I was very tired when I got home yesterday morning; but mentally, emotionally and spiritually, I am totally refreshed and renewed.  Many things have happened over the last couple of weeks - especially at camp, and I have quite a bit of material to draw from through the next few days.  My mind has been racing since I got back -- trying to remember and write down at least part of the special times I enjoyed and many of the spiritual lessons I learned.  
      God was good to our family at Hillcrest Church of Christ during Vacation Bible School.  I think it was a wonderful success!  Sometimes, it is difficult to pull off a work like that without a minister in place.  Not that the minister does all the work - far from it.  It takes a host of people working and pulling together to pull off a vacation Bible school well.  Yet, a minister serves many purposes and works for the good of all in a congregation.  That's why most of them have one!  I mean there is a reason and a place for a minister in a local church family.  However, our congregation is in a transition period right now; and we are searching for and praying for a preacher to welcome into our family here. 
     I say all that to say I am very proud of our church family.  VBS was a great success.  The elders and teachers and workers all pitched in to do whatever we could to make it so.  Prayers went up to our good and gracious God and work was done cheerfully and willingly.  We all pulled together in unity as one and as our Lord would have us to do.  I am so thankful and honored to be part of my church family!  I think I mentioned our Bible school in a previous blog, but it was a good experience for us and I think everyone who attended and /or participated in any way was truly blessed through their service and attendance.
    Last week a number of Christians from different congregations throughout Northeast Mississippi and Northwest Alabama came together to conduct a one week session for 270 children who attended Maywood Christian Camp in Hamilton, Alabama.  I have been blessed to be a part of this wonderful group for a number of years.  We come together because we love to be together. For many of us, this week is the only time of year we get to see one another.  Even so, we consider each other family and we all love one another dearly. We respect the other's talents and understand that we are all faithful to our Lord and Savior.  As our director puts it - we just gel together very well.  
    Ah, but it goes so much deeper than that! Yes we enjoy each other's company; thrive on it, actually.  We love the fellowship with one another and the strength we draw from it -- but we all know we are there for the children.  We are there to bring Christ to them.  This year we counseled, played sports with, fed, taught and loved more children than we have ever had the opportunity to serve.  That 270 mentioned was a record for our session.
     It is definitely hard work, but we love it -- just ask any one of us.  We all know our roles.  Some of us are suited to care for the younger children and love it.  Some of us are much more suited to guiding the older children and love it.  We have extremely talented and dedicated cooks who work behind the scenes and perhaps don't get as much interaction with the children.  Some of them prefer to cook - to stay behind the scenes.  It is more suited to their personality and talents.  However, they are dedicated to the Lord and more than willing to serve Him by feeding "the least of these." 
    Others are lifeguards or work with the crafts - some teach Bible classes, some plan and carry out sports activities, others lead singing, or pray or guide our minds through a lesson from God's word during evangelistic hour.  A few serve as nurses providing tender loving care to any child who needs it.  Workers are there to clean after the cooks cook and we all eat.  Many do double duty - taking on two or more jobs.  And pulling it all together and overseeing it all is our director who perhaps is the most dedicated of us all. He works all year long toward this week.  All of us -- all of the work is because we want the children to have the chance to hear about Jesus and to learn to follow Him.  
    Everyone understands what their job is.  Everyone willingly carries out the tasks set before us.  We are all of one mind -- we are unified and working toward one goal.  Those who work with the younger ones understand it is their job to teach and guide, but to make sure the children make it through the week and go home talking about all the fun they had.  They learn about God's word - but they enjoy being there and get excited enough about camp to want to come back every year.  If they come back - we have done our job because as the child grows older -they are taught and counseled by others.  Then he or she learns more about the Lord.  They learn to love, obey and serve Him.  
    Those who care for the older children guide their maturing minds into a more meaningful relationship with the Lord.  They are taught that you can have good clean Christian fun.  You can say no to the world.  They form friendships that will last for lifetimes and through these friendships they strengthen and encourage one another to remain dedicated to Christ and His church.  
    And if anyone -- ANYONE -- needs anything - needs are met.  Possessions are shared for the good of all. Sound familiar?  Maybe a little like the church in Acts?  If a towel is forgotten, somebody brought an extra towel.  If some child forgot to bring snacks - someone shares snacks or goes and buys snacks for that child.  If someone needs sunscreen or bug spray someone else shares sunscreen or bug spray.  If a child didn't bring any money for pizza night - well, guess what?  It is taken care of anyway.  Everyone works for the common good of all.  I am not talking about communism here -- I am talking about Christianity.  I am talking about continuing in the apostles' doctrine, and prayers and fellowship.  I am talking about eating together with gladness and singleness of heart. 
     What is our singleness of heart at camp?  Serving those children and bringing glory to our God in doing so.  It is through working together that our love for one another grows.  That love for the Lord and for one another sustains us through the week and for most of us, all year.  Quite frankly, it is what keeps us going.  Like the children - we long to be back there.  We long for the fellowship, but we also long for the sounds of children - their play and laughter.  We miss the smile on their faces as they learn to make a new craft, or win a sport award or make a new friend.  We remember the joy and excitement they feel as they memorize a Bible verse or answer a question in class.  
     We miss Maywood when we are gone.  Why?  Perhaps it is because as one of our brothers who has gone on before us used to say -- "On earth, it is the closest thing to heaven that we can get."  We know when we come together we are coming together in unity - with one purpose and one heart.  That is serving our Lord by loving these children for one week out of a year.  We know it is not about us.  We have no illusions about that -- we know it's all about Him.  It is all about letting these children know that our best friend is their best friend too.  Because He loves us - He died for us and He prayed for our unity long ago -- it IS all about Jesus.  
Christ above all things,

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