Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Faithfulness and Patience of Jesus during His Temptation

           We had the best time at Vacation Bible School tonight - or at least I did!  Our theme is the Fruits of the Spirit - or rather living a "Blue Ribbon Life through the Fruit of the Spirit."   There was just something about tonight -- a wonderful spirit of love and liveliness seemed to fill the building and the hearts of all of that were there.  Our youth minister's two sons led the singing for the kids and they did a great job!  The puppet show performed by three of our middle school children was good too.  The young children always love the puppets and although it was their first "performance," our puppeteers did a fine job too.  Our Bible school was announced as being for everyone from 2 to 102 and that is wonderful too!  Proud of our elders for always choosing to have an adult class.  One of the ladies in our church family is in her 90's and she still loves to come to VBS. 
         The first lesson tonight was on faithfulness and long suffering.  The Biblical part of the lesson was the temptation of Jesus.  After our Christ fasted in the wilderness for 40 days, He exhibited both of these traits.  It is easy to see why this story was used to teach the concept of faithfulness -- but I never thought about this event in connection with long suffering.  It fits though, certainly.  He was patient throughout His forty day fast.  He never broke it.  I can;t begin to imagine how hungry and weak He must have gotten! 
        The lesson text in our book points out that Jesus was patient when satan tempted Him to make bread out of the stones.  He did not do what satan wanted Him too, but instead to do what God would tell Him to do.  He was faithful to God through all three temptations and refused to succumb to satan.  He was long suffering throughout His fasting and during His encounter with the devil knowing that God would bless Him, if he could just wait and tough it out.  Christ did, of course and God did bless Him, of course.  He sent angels to minister to Him in the wilderness. 
       Christ is our supreme example.  His life should be the pattern for ours.  And though we will never be sinless like Christ was -- that is what we are to strive for.   We are to love Him enough to emulate Him - to let Him live in us; to be as much like Him as we possibly can be.  That is why we study the Word -- to know Him - to know what to do to be like Him.  His word -- the Word comes to us through the Holy Spirit.  So when we study the word and exhibit a Christ like spirit - we are yielding the fruits of the Spirit --of Jesus.  The Spirit is the Comforter who inspired men to write the scriptures.  The Word comes from Christ and through the Spirit. 
By choosing to absorb and then display the characteristics of God and Christ in our lives we are bearing fruits of the Spirit!  Isn't it marvelous? 
       Living our lives through Christ not only leads us to show these fruits in our lives -- but of course the scripture also says we reap what we sow.  That my dear friends means that as we practice this -- these fruits -- they will return to us -- the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control will come back to us.  We show love and patience -- we will be shown love and patience.  We exhibit self control with someone -- (like our children or someone we work with) -- then we will benefit by the self control of someone else (like our spouse and more importantly, our God).  I don't have to go on and on.  You get the point and I think I am rambling anyway. 
        No question that Christ was longsuffering, patient and faithful during His temptation.  He knew that God would reward Him.  He knew He would soon be given food, so He waited patiently instead of sinning.  He was faithful to God when He refused to cast Himself off the temple.  He knew God was going to take care of Him so He had nothing to prove to satan.  That was not what mattered.  Pleasing God is what mattered.  Christ was faithful to His Heavenly Father and understood if He waited patiently that God's angels would come to take care of Him and they did!  He was also faithful to God's word when He refused to worship that old devil.  Christ knew that God was going to put Him on heaven's throne to rule their forever. He just had to be long suffering and patient during His ministry and crucifixion. 
       After a closer look at this time in Christ's life, I now understand that He really did exhibit patience and faithfulness at this time.  I also think you could say He also demonstrated self control because He denied Himself the guilty pleasures of the food and the kingdoms.  He also showed great love for His Father because Christ wanted to please God.  He loved Him and obeyed Him. 
      Remember to walk in the light -- plant your tree.  Let the living water of God's word water and nourish it.  Let the beautiful light of the Son of God warm it and help it grow.  And watch the beautiful fruits you will bring forth in your season.  (Read Psalms 1)  By doing these things, you will be living the best kind of life.  You will be living a Blue Ribbon life -- God's blessings will rain down on you and you will have that abundant life that He promised us. 

Wishing you all the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control that one lifetime can hold!

Christ above all things!

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