Friday, June 7, 2013

My Momma Won't Let Me Have That

      Night before last, I posted on facebook that perhaps I would be able to post a new blog the next morning.  I said I had it "in my head," but was too tired to type it out.  Well, I apologize for not posting anything at all yesterday - morning or night.  I didn't wake up early enough.  I do not wake up well -- I like to push that snooze button at least twice every morning.  I know it is a weakness of mine and I need to work on this.  I just love my sleep - probably too much. 
     I did have an idea in my idea.  The trouble is that now I have several ideas and it is difficult for me to decide which one to post..  That's not totally a bad thing though because it gives me a list of ideas to use in the future.  However another incident happened at the Dollar Tree recently that I want to share .  I am beginning to love going to that place.  It seems I always have an opportunity to observe young children there.  And I always experience or at least see something that I can use for a spiritual application to my life.  Plus, it's just plain fun to find out what you can buy for a dollar. 
     OK, I will get on with my story.  The other day I happened to watch a young lady take a little girl between three or four down the toy aisle.  The young lady was in her late teens.  She was either a relative of some sort, or a babysitter or something to this young girl.  I could tell she was not her mother. 
    The young girl said - "OK, let's see if we can find a toy for you."  And they started browsing down the aisle.  The little girl stopped and looked at several things.  I wish I could remember what some of them were.  I heard her ask, "What's this?" a couple of times.  And I heard the young lady ask, "Well about this?" a time or two.  To which the little girl would give one of two replies, "I already have that," or "I don't like playing with those." 
They came to some little dress up tutus and the young lady said - "Well about this? It's a princess tutu."  To which the child replied - "My mom won't let me have that."    I think that surprised the young lady a little bit.  There were some tiaras very near the little tutus and upon seeing them the little girl hastily remarked, "But I do have a crown at home." 
        I honestly don't remember that much of the remainder of their conversation, nor do I remember what toy the little one finally chose.  The reason for that is because after she said, "But I do have a crown at home," my thoughts immediately went to heaven and our crown of life which God has promised to His faithful children.  Isn't that a wonderful thought?  A crown of life!!!!  Everlasting life - in everlasting light and love!!  In the presence of God, our Heavenly Father.  Woo Hoo!!!!
        God truly keeps His promises and He truly does promise that crown of life.  But it is not free.  It never has been.  For one thing, your wonderful Savior - Jesus died for you and me; so our eternal salvation cost God the most precious price that could ever be charged or paid.   For another thing, there are commandments which we must obey in order to get to heaven.  However, His commandments are not grievous.  God has never. and will never ask us to do something or go through something that He will not give us the strength to accomplish.  If we are seeking the heart of God and striving to please Him, then we must be willing to obey His commandments -- all of them.
       John tells us that we must keep His commandments and He will come and make an abode for us.  If we love Him we are to keep His commandments.  If we are to be called His friends - we are to follow his commandments.   (John 14:15 and John 15:14) Then we can have that crown. 
       The little girl knew her Mother's rules.  She had listened to them and chosen to obey them without complaint - with no doubt in her heart -- with no criticism or anything. 
We have to know what God's rules (commandments) are and we have to follow them -- ALL of them.  We can't pick a few, toss some others away and then toss in changes on one or two.  If we beilieve God, and I hope we do -- if we love God, and I pray we do, then we must absolutely study the Word and decide what is true -- then obey it. 
       So when we are tempted, we have to do just what that little girl did.  We have to look temptation squarely in the face and with full conviction and no hesitation whatsoever, we have to say --"My Father - my Poppa said I can't do that."  Then we can also tell Satan -- "and if I obey my Father, then He will give me a beautiful crown of life." 

Can we be as strong in the face of temptation as that precious child was?  Can we be as sure of our reward?   Think about it!

Christ above all things,

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