Thursday, November 25, 2021

What Are We Thankful For?


Once several years ago, before our Thanksgiving meal at my parents’ house Dad asked everyone there to think of and say something they were thankful for.  For several reasons it had been a great year for the family. 

There were high school and college graduations.  My brother’s two youngest children had grown closer that year.  Their big sisters were both away at college, so Gentry and Karlie learned to depend on one another more than they ever had before. 

Most of what we mentioned either centered around meeting certain goals or being thankful for our freedoms and our family.  That is until we got to my cousin’s four-year-old daughter.  Somehow we skipped over her as we went around the room, but she was not about to be overlooked.  She spoke up in a strong clear voice and said,  “I am thankful for God!” 

Was it wrong for us to be thankful for all those other things?  No.  As a matter of fact, most of us mentioned God’s help and guidance.  But it took the youngest person there to remind us to be thankful for the Heavenly Father Himself! 

Having an attitude of gratitude is a commandment; but it is also a blessing.  Like all of God's commands, being thankful is good for us.  It adds a certain beauty and richness to our lives.  

And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.  1 Chronicles 29:13

 Christ above all things - Robin

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