Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Pawn

Good morning .. let’s rise and shine today!  Today is “National Stress Awareness Day.”  We are all under stress from time to time, so considering the day let us be conscience of our stress factors and stay as healthy as possible.  When we operate at our optimum levels, we are able to do more good for God.  And that should always be our ultimate goal.

The Pawn

I was watching a cop show on television last night and reference was made to a pawn.  The speaker called one of the other men as “just a pawn” caught in the crook’s game.  To him this person was of little consequence. 

I got to thinking about this … and it just got to me.  Granted it was a cop show, and yes I guess people say things like that on shows like that.  The guy who said it though?   Well, he was supposed to be one of the good guys.  He was supposed to be a CIA agent.  OK, so a person’s goodness is not determined by their choice of a profession. 

I guess that means not every cop is a good person.  But we already knew that didn’t we?  On the other hand, not all of them are bad people either.  It is the same way for every profession.  Not every teacher who stands in a classroom is a good teacher – or for that matter, even likes kids. But a lot of them – most of them do. 

Not every nurse or doctor is compassionate.  Not every cashier is friendly when they check a customer out at grocery store.  On the other hand, not every doctor or nurse is callous and uncaring and not every cashier will double charge their customer. 

We cannot be so quick to characterize or “cubbyhole” a person – or a profession.  And we cannot be dismissive of someone either.  I don’t know much about the game of chess.  But I know the internet said it is the piece of the smallest size and value.  When we look at others the way Jesus looks at them – everyone has a great value.  We are all precious in His eyes. 

The second definition of a pawn is “a person used by others for their own purposes.”  I’ve known people who use other people.  Unfortunately, I once watched a mother coach a daughter on exactly how to act and what to say to get what she wants from other people.  We can’t be people users.  It is not what God wants us to be. 

It is better to be kind and gentle.  It is better to put other’s first.  Many young women are very physically attractive – and that beauty carries a certain amount of power.  Women should not use their beauty as a weapon. It is much better that the outward beauty be matched by a sweet inner beauty that will glorify God.  We should never want to use anyone …  to make them a pawn. 

Everyone is important in God’s sight.  We all have souls.  God loves every soul and He absolutely never ever wants anyone to be lost.  That is why He is so rich in grace and mercy toward us.  Or should I say we are rich because of His mercy and grace? 

God is all powerful.  He doesn’t need us – not really.  But He loves us and He wants us.  That makes all the difference and isn’t amazing that God in all His power and majesty would want us?  He does though. 

God wants us to be in heaven with Him, so He made the arrangements before the foundation of the world.  His Son would be (and is) the perfect sacrifice for our sins.  The Spirit inspired the scriptures so we would know the commandments of Christ and keep them. 

It is up to us to make that choice. 

Christ above all things – Robin

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