Friday, July 26, 2013

Living Proof -- You and Me

         The other day at work we were discussing people throughout history who had been given much power – whether it was over a country as in a king, dictator or emperor or within a large organization of some kind.   The quote by Lord Acton –“absolute power corrupts absolutely” came into the discussion.  We agreed that for the most part, this is true.  It has been shown over and over again throughout history.  The more power a government has, the more it wants and the more corrupt it becomes.  Again, that does not only apply to our government, but to business organizations and religious ones too. 
     Someone said that in some organizations the folks at the top are so happy and busy being up there (at the top) that they forget they made it on the backs of many dedicated and hard-working people.  So many people in positions of authority become so enthralled with themselves.  It seems that persons like this are no different that the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs who had the pyramids built as giant monuments for themselves.
         So many were enslaved to work and build these massive structures all because some king wanted to be remembered forever.  Some of the pyramids are much bigger than others.  It appears that the kings were in competition with the dead royals who had gone on ahead of them.  They were determined that their pyramid would be bigger and better. 
         These Egyptian rulers considered themselves to be gods.  These kings wanted to prove to the world how powerful and important they were, not only while they were alive, but long after their death as well.  They wanted to be remembered forever, so they tried to make monuments to themselves to last forever too.  It would almost seem as if they had succeeded.  Thousands of years later, the pyramids are still here.   But how arrogant is that? And yet how very sad it is to think those empty souls needed to do those things in order to fulfill themselves – to give them a feeling of superiority over the rest of the world.
      Well, the pyramids may still be standing, the Pharaohs and their kingdoms are long gone.  Our Savior, Jesus Christ, lived on this earth as a man - a very common man until He started His ministry.  Then He died on the cross for our sins.  But that is not the whole story.  Christ rose again.  He was resurrected from the dead!  He lives!!!  Jesus is alive and so is the church, His kingdom. 
         We all know that God is the one and only God.  Jesus is His precious Son.  We are to worship God through Christ.  We are to do all things whatsoever He commands us.  He is the King of Kings and we are to worship him only.  Yet His symbol – His monument is one simple cross --- and us, of course.  We are the living proof of His existence.  We honor Him and glorify Him through the way we live.
         God is a jealous God, but He is also loving and merciful and just.  He loves us all and is waiting – waiting for us to make the choice to follow His Son.  Jesus was not arrogant.   He was meek and compassionate and came to earth to save us.  Everything He did while He was here He did for love.  And then He died for us too.  His love for us is beyond comprehension! 
Jesus tells us in Mt. 5 – “Let your light so shine that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Paul begged us in Romans 12:1 – “Now I beseech you brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God which is your reasonable service.”
While we live here on earth, we are His proof.  We belong to Him and  the example of our lives is the reminder of His power and importance.  Christ’s mark on the world is not some stone cold mountain of a building filled with dead bodies and earthly treasures that now lie useless.  It is those of us who love Him so much that we are full of life and full of the Fruits of His Spirit!  We are living lights in a dark world and we are not useless!  He uses us.  We allow ourselves to be used by Him for His glory!  
         You see He died for us – so our lives should be lived for Him every day – that is how He is remembered.  He built the church – we are the church –we are His people.  He said the gates of hell will not prevail against it.  His monument – His people- will live forever – eternally!  As old as those pyramids are, as long as they have been around, they still won't last as long as His church will!!  Again, that is you and me.  Woohoo! Isn’t that wonderful?  
Christ above all things,

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