Friday, July 12, 2013

I Corinthians 13 - The Chapter of Love

           Have you ever thought about the fact that two of the passages most used in wedding ceremonies are from Ruth 1:16-17 and I Corinthians 13 and yet the context in which they are used in the scriptures have nothing to do with a marriage?  Ruth's plea was to her mother in law Naomi after her husband (Naomi's son) had died.  At the time, she had no thoughts of a husband at all.   She was intent on going with Naomi back to her homeland not only because she cared for Naomi, but also because she believed in and wanted to worship the one true God.
          What about the context of I Corinthians 13?  Well this chapter just happens to be placed right between Chapter 12 and Chapter 14.  Ha! I know you are saying, really Robin?  13 comes after 12 and before 14?  We can count too.  
         Seriously though, why would the Holy Spirit have Paul put these passages on love right between chapter 12 which discusses the church being one body although many members and chapter 14 which discusses "gifts" and how and why they are to be used in the church?  Both chapters 12 and 14 focus on the church and the gifts we all bring to the body of Christ.  Chapter 13 is the bridge between them. 
       We have to remember as these letters were being written they not divided into chapters.  When all three chapters are read together (chapters 12 through 14), it can be seen that everything flows together quite nicely.  It helped me see Paul's message from another perspective.  I found it very interesting to put all the pieces together and I realized just how important it is that we keep the body of Christ (His church - paid for by His precious blood) - that we keep that body whole -- and well.  Not only that, but we are to do everything we can to help that body thrive!
            You see Chapter 12 begins by discussing the fact that there are many gifts, yet they are all given by the same Spirit of God.  As we all know, the apostles and some other Christians had miraculous gifts.  We also know that once the apostles died there was no one to pass on these gifts.  Not only that, but there was no longer a need for them.  But that is a subject for another time perhaps.  The point Paul is making here is that every gift comes from the Spirit.  Each gift is important and each serves a specific purpose.  It was important to Paul that we remember these gifts may have been different, but they were given by "the selfsame Spirit." (I Corinthians 12:11)
          Then Paul explains that the church is the body of Christ.  He makes comparisons to a physical body and gives a pretty clear picture of how different parts (members) of a physical body work together for the good of the whole body.  Then he explains that we are members (parts) of the body of Christ.  And we all have our part - we all have our gifts that we are to bring to the body.  In verse 18 of chapter 12, speaking of the physical body - but with reference to the church, Paul says "But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body as it hath pleased him."  Think about how beautifully and wonderfully your body is put together.  Your eyes are right where they are supposed to be and they serve a very important function for the good of your body as a whole.  Your eyes guide your feet and help you get where you want to go; but your feet and legs actually do the moving of your body.  Your eyes help you brush your teeth at night, but your hands and arms actually do the work.  We use everything God has given us in our bodies to help us take care of our body as a whole.  
        Paul goes on to tell us in verses 25 & 26 that the members of the body should have the same care for one another and that if one hurts, they all hurt or if one is honored, then the whole body rejoices together.  Then he sums it up very well in verse 27 - "Now you are the body of Christ and members in particular."
        So we are the body of Christ.  We would do well to remember that.  I think if we took care of our church members as well as we take care of our physical bodies, we would have a very different church today! 
     In the last verse of Chapter 12, Paul tells the Corinthians to seek the best gifts - "and yet show I unto you a more excellent way."  What is the more excellent way, Paul?  Well he goes right into the discussing of love.  Paul says that it does not matter what kind of gifts you have if you aren't using them out of love.  We must love Christ AND  we must love the body of Christ, His church.  If we don't use our gifts to the glory of Christ and for the benefit of His body --the members of His body.  As a member of the body of Christ, do you love the rest of His body enough to take care of it?  Do you use your gifts of sympathy to weep with those who weep?  Do you use your wisdom to mentor someone younger than you?  Do you volunteer for service in activities of the church because you love HIS body more than your own?  Paul says if we do what we do for show only -- then it is worth absolutely nothing.  Our motive must be out of love and love alone.
     Chapter 13 verses 4 through is a beautiful description - it is God's description of love.  The Spirit tells us what love does and does not do.  Love is kind and patient.  Love is not envious nor prideful; does not seek its own satisfaction.  Love is not easily provoked.  Those are just a few characteristics mentioned.  Think about these qualities in light of using our gifts for the Lord's body.  If we love the Lord's church, then we will not be envious of each other's gifts nor will we seek to show off our own gifts out of pride.  We will not seek to provoke and we won't think evil of our brothers and sisters who are actually part of the same body we are part of. 
      Paul goes on to explain that all these gifts will pass away, but love will not pass away.  God's love will still be there.  Our love for Christ and for the church should also still be there.  We should continue to strive for the betterment of the body.  We should put away childish things and realize that the greatest gift we can give anyone is our love.
      Chapter 14 then says to follow after love, but to also desire spiritual gifts. Most of this chapter is a rather lengthy discussion on the use of our gifts within the assembly.  We are to seek to use our gifts for the edification of the body.  Remembering the love that is discussed in the previous verses, we should desire to be orderly in our worship - to keep quiet when there is no one to interpret our speaking in tongues.  We are to speak with words of understanding in order to edify the body of Christ.  We are to take each other into consideration.  Why?  It is because we love. 
       Yes, each member is important and God wants us to do our part whatever that is and we can't all do the same thing. (chapter 12)  We are to do what we do for the Lord's body out of love.  It is vain -- and empty if we aren't working out of love.  We should understand that love seeks the good of others.  (Chapter 13)  Then as we use our gifts, we are supposed to do with love and for the purpose of building up the body of Christ.  We should help our brothers and sisters out because we love them.  We should do everything for the glory of the church as a whole - the body as a whole.  Chapter 14 verse 33 says, "God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints."  Everyone, whether prophet or speaker of tongues or interpreters of tongues -- is supposed to take turns -- out of love.  Act peaceably -- keep your worship in order, so that everyone may learn. 

     We still have gifts today.  Some of us have such wisdom to share with others.  Some of us can cook and take meals whenever and wherever they are needed.  Some of us can teach.  Some of us have friendly smiles and are great at welcoming visitors to our services.  Others are good at planning and helping with activities their church family plans.  We should all seek to help Christ's body grow and thrive.   We should give back to our God out of love because HE first loved us.

Christ above all things,




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