Monday, July 22, 2013

A Simple Hello

     Two children come to the 2 and 3 year old Bible class I teach on Wednesday nights – one girl and one boy.  They are very sweet to each other and enjoy being together in class.  If one is not there, the other child will ask about them.  They greet each other warmly as they come into the classroom.  You can tell they genuinely like each other and enjoy being together.  It is a true pleasure to witness this.  The smiles on their faces as they see one another are as big as Texas!
      At 2 and 3 they are learning the basic foundations of friendship.  They are slowly coming out of the “me, me, and me” stage and beginning to care about others outside their own family.  They realize how much fun it is to be with others.  They learn to share, take turns and how to be helpers.  Children this age are usually very loving and make friends with one another joyfully.    
      Also on the way to work one morning several days ago, I saw a young woman approaching a home with a baby in her arms.  She had just gotten out of the car and was heading toward the carport where an older man was standing waiting.  I saw the baby throw his arm up into the air with his hand held up in greeting toward the man.  The man threw his hand up too – and was smiling brightly.  You could tell that the man was truly happy to see that sweet baby. 
      Waving (hello or goodbye) is one of the first things a baby learns.  They love to greet others, probably because each gesture is returned with joy and enthusiasm by a loved one.  Babies love the security of knowing they are cared for.  As young as they are, they realize that learning to wave is an accomplishment.  They can do something new, and that new action creates a very positive response.   They are able to build on their personal relationships, even at that age.  Thus, their sense of security and the knowledge that they are loved is reassured and strengthened.
     Thinking about all this got me to thinking about how we greet one another.   Having a smile on our face as we pass each other in the grocery store, in the hall at work, or in the church building is one of the easiest ways to show we care and to let our Christian lights shine brightly.  Are we even aware that there are people in this world who feel unloved and unwanted?  There are poor souls out there who are barely noticed as we merrily go past them lost in our own little world.  They feel almost invisible – this can happen at work or while we are out shopping.  It can happen in the church building – or even at home.  Smile – say Hello!  Give someone the message that they are worthy because you noticed them.  Let them know that!
      When we love each other we should always greet one another with a smile and maybe a hug or a quick hand shake or just to exchange a few words of greeting.  I mean, come on folks – we are supposed to Christians!  Christians are supposed to be known for their love for each other!  When we walk into the church are we like my two little Bible class students?  Do we walk into the building truly happy to see one another?  Do we let each other know that?  Oh how much stronger the church would be if we really did do that!
      What about at home?  Honestly, one of the best things you can do for your spouse or your children is to always act like you are happy to see them.  No matter how tough your work day has been – no matter how bad the traffic was on the drive home --walk in the door with a smile on your face.  Be kind and loving and interested in them.  Listen to what they have to say.  Make them understand they are important to you.  Life is short.  We may not always have the opportunity to do this. 
      If you read the New Testament letters - you will see that they are full of greetings of love and concern for one another.  The New Testament letters always begin with a warm and loving greeting.  Paul’s letters end with greetings and prayers for other individuals.  The lesson here is clear and plain.  Care for one another.  Greet each other lovingly.  We are of one body. 
      As I write this I am directing most of it toward myself for I am not always the best at this either.  When I come home from work sometimes I am just dead dog tired.  The last thing I want to do is smile.  However, I find that when I choose to greet my family members cheerfully – it pays off big time.  That cheeriness and love I gave is given right back to me!  Isn’t that what we all need – love and good cheer?
    And I know we can’t always get around to everyone after worship services; but we can speak to some and we can make sure we are smiling and happy to be there with one another to worship our Lord.  If we miss someone this week, we can make it a point to get to them the next week. 
     What about out in the world?  Simply by speaking to someone one, we can let our light shine and glorify our Father in doing so.  Notice the busboy at the restaurant cleaning tables.  Speak to the greeter at Wal-Mart. Don’t walk by your co-worker in the hallway with your head down so you don’t have to speak to them.  When you drive by the gate, throw your hand up high and wave hello to the security guard sitting there.  Say thank you to the lady cleaning your office.  So many people are lonely and longing for someone to acknowledge them – to pay attention to them.  You never know how far a warm and friendly greeting can go in making someone’s day. 
     I know this is something that I need to work on.  I should be more cheerful when I arrive home from work.  I should smile more at work.  I should be thankful and happy to worship with my brothers and sisters and I should try to let them know that.  A simple hello can mean so much! 

Christ above all things,


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