Sunday, October 6, 2013

There is Joy in Knowing God Made Us

       I do love teaching those two's and three's!  They are so open and honest.  They have so much enthusiasm and they learn so much so quickly.  My students have always kept me on my toes and certainly teach me as much as I teach them.  I love these children and enjoy watching them grow up through the years.  Of course within a few short years, they don't remember who taught them when they were two and three years old.  That's OK.  I just hope they get a sense of joy from learning about the Word.   Maybe they will just grow up always loving to come to Bible class. 
      At two and three years old,  children are in the "me" stage.  Their favorite songs are ones that have the word "me" in them.  And when I stop and think about it, some of my favorite songs do too!  "Jesus loves Me,"  "God Made Me" - "Love Lifted Me."
     These songs remind us of just how personal God's love is -- so there is nothing wrong with these beautiful songs.  Truly, it should bring us joy beyond measure to understand the power of God's personal love for each and every individual and that includes ME and YOU.  God doesn't leave anyone out.  He knows you deeply and personally and He loves you unconditionally. 
     Besides "Jesus Love Me," another favorite of my students is the one that goes like this: (sorry I don't know the official name of it)
          "Who made the big round sun?
                  Who made the tall, tall trees?
             Who made the birds that fly and who made me?"
The answer, of course - is
            "God made the big round sun.
             God made the tall, tall trees.
             God made the birds that fly and God made me!"
     You can imagine the motions that go with this song.  And you can probably imagine how the children always raise their verses a volume level (or two or three) when they get to the word me.  They smile brightly, hug themselves and sing "me" as loudly as they possibly can. 
     I love watching them get so excited over this.  Their little faces just light up!  And why shouldn't they?  Really - think about it.  How much more fun is it to know that God made you - He created your being.  How wonderful it is to grow up knowing you were loved by the Supreme Being - than it is to think of .. of well coming from anything else -- or coming from nothing?!! 
     Folks, I am not trying to promote pride or selfishness here.  I am talking being joyful we have a Creator.  I am talking about loving God because He loved us first.  I am talking about being thankful that we have talents we can use to serve Him.  Living in service to Him is the best way to honor Him for creating us! 
     God gave us an earthly life.  But He didn't stop there.  A physical existence here on earth is just the beginning.  He gave us a beautiful world to live in.  His creation is awesome and perfectly suited for us to live here. We have the ability to discern between all the gorgeous colors God created.  His choice to create our world with such beauty is a blessing in and of itself.
      That is still not all.  He gave us a soul and a mind.  He didn't create us as robots.  We were created in His image.  This gives us a special place in His heart.  He longs to be with us.  God wants us to include Him in our lives.
     We are still not done.  There are so many reasons to be happy that God made us.  I know I can't possibly name them all.  But think about this -- God loves us so much that before He ever started creating the world He made a plan to save our souls.  That is probably the very best part of God making us.  He gave us life and then He sent His son to give His life for us - for our souls. 
      Have you ever thought about this?  Oh, I'm sure you have.  I mean I'm not saying anything new here.  But it is so humbling and wonderful at the same time to realize that God set up this plan "before the foundation of the world!" 
     The plan is very simple.  The story is simply beautiful.  God had a plan to save the souls of man from their sins.  Christ and the Spirit, who were present at creation, also knew the plan.  God made the world and everything in it.  He made the world a home for mankind - which He created in His own image. 
       He gave man a soul.  He gave man free will.  He knew at some point man would sin.  And He knew when the time was right, He would send His son to die for those sins.   Even though this precious sacrifice has been given for the love of man -- we still have a choice.  We still must obey the commandments of Christ.  We have to study the Word to know what those commandments are. 
     It is when we choose to love and serve Christ; it is when we understand the Word well enough to make that choice -- well THAT is when we can joyfully sing - "God made me!"

Christ above all things,

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