Monday, October 28, 2013

Blessings of a Retreat

      The past few weeks have been very busy as the ladies of our congregation worked so hard to prepare for the North Mississippi Ladies Retreat.  This is a retreat for Christian women held the 4th weekend in October every year.  The ladies at Hillcrest are blessed to be able to host this event.  We have help -- the Booneville congregation contributes to our budget every year and the ladies of the Snowdown congregation prepare refreshments for us every year.  Let me tell you - those ladies prepare a feast!!  We are so very grateful for the help we receive from these two congregations for we would never be able to do what we do without their help!  It is a wonderful blessing to be part of an event that so many Christians believe in and support! 
      There is truly a lot of work that goes into an effort such as this!  So many minor details are taken care of that hardly anyone sees or understands.  First of all, it does take funds to buy materials/ supplies that go into this labor of love.  We are extremely grateful to our elders at Hillcrest who allow us to carry on this work and also to the elders at Booneville who donate to the retreat.  It is heartwarming to know that the leaders of these congregations do appreciate and understand the importance of this ministry - for it truly is a ministry for women. 
       Next goes all the prep work involved in conducting a retreat.  I won't get into all of the things that go on -- but each and every work of service that goes into the retreat is vital to its success.  Take for example, the decorations.  Some people might say - oh that's just stuff you set on a table to look pretty.  Well each lady that takes part in decorating knows it is much more than that!  Careful planning goes into this effort. 
      How things look are a vital part of the retreat.  Women come from so many different areas and some travel a pretty good distance to be there.  They come to have their spirits lifted -- their souls refilled and refreshed and their minds renewed.  This all starts when they walk into the room and see the tables set up so beautifully.  They immediately get a feeling of being loved and welcomed.  The bright, cheerful decorations set the mood for the retreat.  Any lady knows how important that is.  We start out with a happy heart based on the welcome we receive and we are rewarded by the smiles we see on the faces of the ladies who attend. 
     That is just one example -- but it is so very important to understand that all the ladies who work behind the scenes are putting their hearts and souls into it because they have servant hearts and they love the Lord and their Christian sisters.  It is a service of love. 
     Now, I know that retreats are not the only activity that Christian women can take part in and every woman from our congregation who works on the retreat participates in many other Christian activities as well.  There are various activities that others support and put work into.  These events are also works of service for the glory of our God.  And I know there are no verses anywhere in the Bible that say "Thou shalt attend a retreat once a year."  But what I am saying is that Ladies' Days and Ladies' Retreats are part of a ministry that serves a great need for many. 
       Retreats mean a lot to the sisters who do participate.  Women attend for many different reasons.  Some drive for two or three hours to get there.  Some sisters come seeking refuge for just a little while perhaps from a verbally abusive husband.  Some may need a break from being a 24/7 caregiver to a loved one.  One sister who attended this year was just in that situation.  Some come for spiritual reinforcement because they may not receive that at home.  Some women may be the only Christian in their home -- or maybe their family members are Christians; but have fallen away and are unfaithful to the Lord.  Some may have recently lost a loved one.  Some may be suffering from an illness themselves.  Some may come to get a break from caring for a busy family of small children.  Still others may attend simply to enjoy the wonderful Christian fellowship and to hear great lessons from God's word. 
      It doesn't matter what reason the ladies attend the retreat.  They are all blessed by participating.  I am just truly thankful to be part of a work such as this.  There is a need throughout the church for works such as these.  I can honestly say this because I have experienced the blessings of attending a retreat at times in my life when I needed a break -- a renewal.  I truly understand the necessity for these types of works. 
      If you are a sister who has ever participated in a retreat or ladies day or similar event, please understand your work was important to God.  Please understand that Christ is happy you used your talents in His service.  You participated in a great ministry.  I believe (and the women who work with me all share this feeling) that retreats can save souls,  they can save marriages, they help women become better mothers.  A retreat can encourage a woman who is perhaps just about at the point of giving up on God to hang on to her faith.  Every year -- and I do mean every year -- I have had at least one woman call me before the retreat to tell me how excited they are to be able to come.  They share with me part of their story -- the retreat is important to them.  They hunger for the fellowship -- the chance to renew and rebuild their faith and courage and hope.  That renewal - just those few hours -- gives them a boost and allows them to carry on.

     I know this has not been one of my typical posts.  But I wanted the sisters who work with me to know how much I appreciate them.  I wanted the sisters who attend the retreat to know how much we love you and are encouraged and lifted up by our friendships with you.  This was not meant to boast in any way.  I only wanted to emphasize what a work like this means to some of us.  I wanted to share with others (men and women) the importance of this work.  It is truly a ministry.  The kingdom - the church -- is edified.  And our Heavenly Father is glorified!!! He is the one gets the praise and the glory.   

Christ above all things,

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