Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Give God the Glory

     I just watched a television commercial that was quite upsetting to me.  No, it was not of a sexual nature; nor was it violent or full of foul language.  It wasn't a commercial for beer or wine.   
   It was a car commercial.  That doesn't sound very harmful, does it?  Honestly, most probably have watched this and not been found it offensive.  A young man is sitting alone in a restaurant, (at least I think it was restaurant) looking out a window at a billboard advertising a very sporty car. 
    Suddenly an actor posing as the devil appears across the both from the young man.  He has a document, supposedly a contact, in one hand and an ink pen in another.  The devil actor tells the young man all he has to do is sign the paper and he can have that car and "everything that goes with it."
      Visions of a fast, entertaining and glamorous life flash through the young man's life.  He appears on the cover of a magazine, he is in a club surrounded by beautiful women,  he is driving his car in race and winning, etc. Ah, what an appealing and alluring vision he dreams of. 
      Then the young man gets hold of himself.  He looks at the billboard again and notices the price of the car.  He turns and looks at the actor posing as the devil and says, "No thanks, I think I've got this" indicating that this very desirable car is at a reasonable and affordable price. 
      Does this whole devil scene and the young man saying I've got this bother anyone but me?  I know this is an attempt to sell a car.  I know that we are watching a very worldly commercial here -- their attempt is to make this automobile seem very desirable.  I am not saying that whoever came up with this commercial or anyone associated with it or the car company had anything on their minds other than selling the product. 
     Maybe I am being over sensitive here; but to me this ad carries a dangerous message.  I suppose in this pleasure seeking world, it is pretty much par for the course.  Still - where did we get the idea there is a devil but no God?  Where did we get the idea that we accomplish life's goals on our own? 
     Do we even realize what happened to Herod in the book of Acts?  He was eaten of worms and died because he "gave not God the glory."  (Acts 12:23)   Sometimes we forget to remember how blessed we are.  We forget to be thankful for our many blessings.  We forget everything we have comes from God. 
     Somehow, we don't realize that the health we have to go to the job we have to earn the money we have all came from the Lord God Almighty.  He gave us the health to work.  He blessed us with a job opportunity that pays well enough for us to consider buying a vehicle. 
    We need to thank God every day for what we have.  We need to understand God gave us talents to use so that we can make our way in the world.  As we do this, we are to give thanks to Him and to use our talents and our blessing for HIM.  We should be using our vehicles to serve the Lord in some way.  We can take family members to the doctor to be cared for.  We can help grown children with their children.  We can give someone a ride to Bible study.  There are so many ways we can take the blessing of a vehicle and use it in God's service. 
      Perhaps this commercial hit home to me because thankfulness and humility are two things I have been working on lately.  Through scripture, God commands us to be thankful.  We are also to use our means and our talents to glorify Him.  And we are always, always to give glory to God and Jesus Christ our Savior.  Without Christ, we are nothing.  Yet in Christ - through Jesus - we are able to be called the children of God.
      We must remember that whether or not He continues to bless us in worldly things -- if we are not thankful for what He has done for us, He will certainly not be pleased with us.  We must give God the glory for all we have and all we are. 

Christ above all things,

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