Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sometimes Great Minds Really Do Think Alike

          It has been said that great minds think alike.  I suppose that's true.  Good ideas are always good ideas.  We shouldn't be so arrogant as to think that we are the only ones who could have a good idea, especially when people are thinking about the same issue or trying to solve the problem.  Anytime a group of persons has a common interest or common goal -- or are involved in similar situations -- there is a likelihood that more than one person will come up with the same idea or have the same thoughts. 
       I know it is a good thing to "think outside the box" from time to time.  But it is also a good thing when more than one person comes up with the same general idea -- well, at least when it is a good one.  I suppose that there are times when the same idea can be disastrous.  There is danger in mob mentality and in allowing yourself to go along with the flow.  We cannot allow ourselves to believe everything we see and hear in the media.  We all know - if we are truly trying to stay as educated as possible on current events - we all know that the media often has its own agenda.  Propaganda has been around forever.  It is used quite frequently and sometimes (so often, that it's scary) it is used quite well.
As responsible Christian citizens, we must be very careful about what we see and hear and what we believe.  So often what we are told -- and what we experience with our own eyes are two very different things.  Hopefully, we are awake enough to notice.
       However, the media and propaganda are not what I wanted to discuss tonight.  I want to talk about those great minds with good ideas that are used to benefit others.  Those kinds of ideas are wonderful when they are shared by more than one person.  In problem solving if more than one person comes up with the same or very similar solution, it will help promote cooperation and comaraderie within the group.  It helps bring unity.
     Thinking of unity within a group naturally makes me think of Christians -- of the church.  It is what Jesus prayed for in John 17 when He prayed for us.  He prayed that we might all be one as He is one with the Father and the Spirit.  Now there's a wonderful thought.  Those of us who are spiritual should think on spiritual things.  We should share with one another -- scriptures from God's word and experiences that will help us bring glory to God, our Father. 
       And now - finally, I am at the place where I really wanted to start tonight.  I wanted to tell you about the joy I had this morning as I picked up my cell phone before I started off to work.  I had three text messages from three different Christian sisters in three different prayer groups from three different towns.  As I read these messages, I could not help but think that was definitely the message God wanted me to hear this morning.  Each sister "group texted" a Bible verse as a way of encouragement to others in their group of contacts.  Were these verses exactly the same? No - they weren't the same verse.  But all three verses dealt with one topic. 
       Let me share these verses as they came to me.  I am not sure which versions each sister was using so I will not be able to include that (sorry).  Here they are though - in the exact order in which I received them:
     Psalms 9:9 - "The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble."
James 5:16 - "Confess your faults one to another and pray for one another that ye may be healed.  The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

     And the third scripture came with a few words of encouragement which i will also share:  "Good morning! It's another beautiful day!  Remember that God is an awesome God! Never forget that God is always here for us to help us through storms we may face. 
Romans 8:28 -- "We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

      Now I ask you - do great minds think alike or what?  Was God's message to me today especially beautiful and comforting?  Amen!!  I'm telling you folks, maybe it's because I am getting older -- or maybe it's just because after all these years I am finally beginning to "get it" -- but I believe with all my heart that was the message God wanted me to hear today and He was using my sisters to send that message to me.  I am so thankful to be friends with all these wonderful Christian women who inspire and encourage and literally keep me going sometimes!  They are all such special servants of God.
     Just think about these wonderful scriptures.  God is always there for us.  For those who love and trust in Him - He IS our refuge when we are oppressed.  It is our Father we go to when our heart is breaking -- when the storms of life are raging all around us -- when someone has hurt us in some way.  He is our refuge.  He is our stronghold.  I would have to research that word -- but for some reason - when I think of that word - I think of either a storm house -- for proctection from attack by nature's forces -- or perhaps a fort -- for protection from attack by our enemies.  God is our strong hold.  He will protect us and shelter us.  He is RIGHT THERE when we call on Him.  If we are walking with Him there is absolutely no hesitation whatsoever.  He is right there.  Comfort and strength are immediately available if we are just willing and wise enough to reach out there and grab it --to accept the love and mercy that stronghold has inside.
    What joy and comfort do you draw from James 5:16.  Confess your faults and pray for one another that ye may be healed.  Having a little struggle with the world?  Stumbled and fallen lately?  Share it -- with a brother or sister who cares -- who loves you with the love of God.  Seek that friend's prayer on your behalf.  Pray with them -- and guess what -- you will be healed of your spiritual woes -- of your sin.  Remember John tells us that He is faithful and just to forgive our sins as we confess them -- if we are what?  Walking in the light. 
      So when you have stumbled and fallen and you are in need of healing and forgiveness -- and folks - forgiveness IS healing -- then go to "a righteous man" or woman-- and ask to pray.  You will be healed --why?  Because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much.  Again - the message is if we call on God -- He is going to hear and He will be there.  We will never get an "out to lunch" sign from God.  He is always there.
    Third scripture -- still the same subject --God's help in times of trouble.  Are you called according to His purpose?  Have you answered His call?  Do you serve His purpose?  Then guess what?  He is going to be there for you -- to help you work it out.  It will work together for good.  Our problems are not easy to go through.  God does not - has never promised us a worry free - problem free life.  Sometimes we don't know the reasons certain things happen.  But we should always know that there is always a reason to serve God and thank HIm for His blessings.  Because He is going to be there for us to help us through it. 
      We may go through some of the toughes times we could never have imagined.  We may reach points when we think we just can't make it -- and then -- then is when your faith pulls you through because you know in your heart of hearts He has not left you alone.  You will go through this because He has given you strength in your inner man.  And when the sun shines again - and it will shine again -- and you have come through the storm -- you will look at who you are now and who you were then and realize that you are better and stronger than you ever imagined you could be.  And you will know the sweet truth of Romans 8:28 --ALL things - not just one or two of them -- not just part of the time -- ALL things work together for good to them that love the Lord.
      I could not have been more blessed today.  Great minds were thinking alike.  How can you possibly go wrong when you are thinking of the Holy Scriptures?  My sisters all had their own way of saying this morning that God is with us , if we love Him and follow Him -- He really is right there.  Just like those texts were right there on my phone this morning.  Three beautiful messages in a row -- from three beautiful sisters I know. 

Now, I also understand the meaning of the verse -- "I thank God for every remembrance of you." 

Christ above all things,

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