Friday, July 22, 2022

A New Frisbee

Lady got a new frisbee today. Robert bought it for her. She had chewed around on the old one so much that we finally took it away from her.

When I got home this afternoon, her new toy was in the middle of the living room. She is always excited to see me when I get home from work. Today she greeted me happily and then walked over to her new toy as if to say, “Look what I got, Mom!” 😊
After supper, we went outside to play like we usually do. It’s been too hot to stay out there long, but she is full of energy and loves to be outside.
Guess what? It is amazing how a new frisbee flies across the yard so much better than an old one that is all chewed up! The new frisbee seems to glide through the air gracefully. It has a smooth landing too.
Throwing that frisbee around made me think about what one of Dad’s Christian friends used to say. “God never promised us smooth sailing, but He did promise us a safe landing.” I was only a teenager when I heard it; but I wish I had remembered it more often.
I certainly could have used the reassurance over the past few months. It’s true, you know. God didn’t promise us that life would be easy. In fact, Jesus told His apostles “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
It is beautiful to know Jesus overcame the world and He will help us overcome it too. It is easy to think about a great victory in Christ when at that moment, nothing terrible is happening in our lives. But it can be quite a challenge to hold on to promise of victory when the storms of life are raging all around us.
To hear we will have tribulation is one thing. To face it head on is quite another. The devil will use heartbreak to try and break us away from God. He will send the naysayers our way. We may hear, “Oh you’ll never be able to do this. You are smart enough or strong enough.”
The father of lies will try his best to convince us God has left us alone to handle our own problems. That. Is. NOT. True. God is always going to be there. He has promised us this. He will never leave us; but we have to stick with Him.
Sometimes the storms will rage. The winds will howl. Tribulation will come. The sailing will not always be smooth. But as long as we have hope as our anchor, our faith will carry us through to that safe landing.
Christ above all things - Robin

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