Sunday, January 21, 2018

Fidget Spinners

       I bought some fidget spinners yesterday -- they were in a basket at Wal-Mart.  I am always looking for a good deal on little items like this.  They were on clearance for $1 each.  These little spinning gadgets were promoted as helping relieve nerves and helping children with ADHD or autism stay calm and focused.  
       Fidget spinners quickly became the latest fad and every child wanted one.  I must admit they are mesmerizing.  In no way am I saying there is something wrong with fidget spinners!  If I thought that way I wouldn't have bought any.  Still, I'm thinking to be on sale for $1.00 when they were originally going for $5.00 each Wal Mart must have overbought by a pretty wide margin.  
      Before I put them in my own basket though, I texted a few of my friends.  "Can you use a fidget spinner for a devotional?"   One responded, "Sometimes we find ourselves going in circles ... are we actually doing something or just busy work?"  She made an excellent point.  
      What do fidget spinners do?  They go around in circles.  It's neat to watch.  Like my friend said sometimes our lives are like that.  We may go in circles constantly.  How?  Well,  we go from home to work, to a child's ball practice or other activity, to home for supper and finally it is bed time.   
      Then we get up the next morning and do it all over again never giving  a second thought about our Heavenly Father who loves us and gave us the ability to work and our children to love.  Remember - everything we have comes from Him.  This is true whether or not we give Him the credit or take the time to say "Thank you, God."
    I know we have to earn a living in this world and our earthly lives are a continuous cycle of repetitive events.  However, if we are only going along to get along then we are just engaging in busy work.  If we don't thank God, if we don't remind our children to thank God, if we don't try to teach them about good sportsmanship when they are at that ball practice, if we don't ever let them hear us pray or tell them that God loves them more than we do -- well, then we really are just going in circles.  
      Moving forward would be so much better don't you think?  If our goal is heaven, then we need to move toward the strait gate. We must keep this goal ever in our minds.  I know it's not always easy to do.  Our lives are so busy ... but Jesus said "All things are possible with God"  (Mark 10:27).
      Keeping God in our life makes it so much richer.  Giving the Father and Son first place allows to have access to the abundant life Jesus promised us (John 10:10).  Our life has so much more meaning when we are trying to live for Him.  Our faith, hope and joy in Christ enhances every experience. 
      Think about watching that fidget spinner spin.  We like to watch it go round and round so fast the individual prongs lose their singular identity.  They just become a blur.  Don't you imagine that old devil loves to see us so preoccupied, spinning so fast in our earthly lives we lose our spiritual identity?  I think he loves us seeing us lose.  
      We can step out of that seemingly perpetual circle.  Remember Proverbs 3:6 - "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths."  Keeping Him in our lives will help us keep things straight.  We won't be going around in circles and never get anywhere.  We won't be just doing busy work.  We will have a purpose to our lives.  We will have hope through Christ.  
      Seek God and you will find Him.  Stop spinning around aimlessly.  Keep Jesus in your life.  It will truly be worth it because God promises "In the path of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death."  Proverbs 12:28

 Christ above all things, 


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