Sunday, November 17, 2013

No Not One!

        I usually regret it when so many days have gone by between posts.  Tonight is no different.  It really is so easy to let time slip by.  Daily life is full of distractions and before I realize it a week has passed.  But enough of that.  I know we are all busy.  Life has a way of doing that to a person.
       Yet I am thankful for the life which God has given me.  I am truly blessed and realize it is good that I should remember this every day.  No matter how quickly our days go by, we must remember to be grateful to our Lord and to praise Him every day. Life is short and we really do need to make each day count.
       Christ lived a short life here on earth.  Think about it.  Do you know anyone who is 33 or so?  I do.  My oldest son is 33.  I only make this comparison in relation to the amount of time our Lord lived as a man.  It seems like such a short time  -- 33 1/2 years.  What is the first thing many of us when we hear of someone around this age passing on?  We say, "Oh my he (or she) was so young."  It is true 33 years does seem like a very short time to live.
      On the other hand, think about how much life can be packed into those 33 years.  Well before that time, we experience life in many different ways and circumstances.  Most of us experience the love and joy of family.  We have had our share of injury and sickness.  We learn from our families and from our schools.  We develop an independence from our parents and make our own way in life - whether we have a family of our own or not.  So by 33 we have learned how to work and earn an income for ourselves.  By 33 we have been tempted and tried.  We have learned to be in submission to authorities and we have learned to make decisions on our own.  We have experienced every emotion any human is capable of -- love, joy, peace, victory, and happiness.  On the side of the coin we have felt pain, betrayal, anger, loneliness, defeat and sadness. 
      You get what I am trying to say, right?  Christ may have only lived as a man for a little over 33 years, but that was enough for Him to experience and understand everything we will ever go through.  It was long enough for Him not only to become the sacrifice for our sins because He lived a sinless perfect life; but it was also long enough so that when we go to God in prayer Christ can speak to the Father for us.  He lived long enough not only to be our Redeemer, but also to be our Best Friend.  Some of you will say, He is our best friend because He died for us.  I don't argue that point one bit.  BUT in my mind He is also our best friend because He lived for us.
       There was a two fold purpose -- or perhaps even a threefold purpose in Christ living an earthly life.  One of His purposes was to die for our sins.  We are so thankful every day for the sacrifice He made for us on that cruel cross!  The second purpose for which Jesus came to earth was for Him in person to seek and save the lost.  It was important that He teach others of His Father.  He was to be "about His father's business."  He preached and taught about the kingdom of God.  And He prepared others to carry on His work. 
      However, it is the third purpose that I need to remember more often.  In living in the flesh and experiencing all the things He experienced -- He knows what we go through.  He understands our temptations and heartaches.  He understands our relationships with one another.  He understands submission.  He understands authority.  He understands the love we share between family and friends.  And he understands betrayal and pain and weariness.  You see when we go to God in prayer - Christ is right there too.  As we pray, Jesus tells the Father - "I know what that feels like.  People hurt me too."  or "I understand how she felt when she wanted to strike back at that person."  He might even say, "I was hungry too, Father.  So I know why he is so concerned that he lost his job." 
      See Jesus knows.  Whatever you are going through, whatever you are feeling right now - whether it is good or bad, He knows.  And here is the most wonderful part of it all -- He cares!!!!  So many folks around you might have an idea of what you are going through, but this is a cold dark world we live in they may not care.  At work - or out in the world, they don't care what they are going through.  Everyone has problems of their own.  Not so with our Christ - He cares!!! He will stand by you as you go to Father.  He is our Mediator and will speak to God on your behalf .... and help will come!!!  It is when we can truly understand and believe this - when we let it sink deep down into our soul that we experience that peace that passes understanding.  That, my friends is a "Woo Hoo" moment!! 
       You all probably know the song, "There's Not a Friend Like the Lowly Jesus."  We sang it during our worship this morning.  Sometimes, I sing it at home or in the car too.  Now that I think of it, it is probably one of my favorites.  Think about the words...
                 There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus -- No, not one! no, not one!        
                None else could heal all our souls’ diseases: No, not one! no, not one!
He lived a lowly earthly life -- for us.  Yet, He is the only one that could heal our souls.

                No friend like Him is so high and holy, No, not one! no, not one!
                And yet no friend is so meek and lowly,No, not one! no, not one!
He is the Son of God.  He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 
Yet again, He is meek and full of loving kindness.  He lived as a man - in the flesh.
                 There's not an hour that He is not near us, No, not one! no, not one!
                  No night so dark, but His love can cheer us, No, not one! no, not one!
He really is always there.  Even in the darkest of nights, knowing His love gives us hope.

And finally, there is the chorus which is so beautiful and so true and so full of comfort.
            Jesus knows all about our struggles; He will guide 'til the day is done.
            There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus: No, not one!  no, not one!

Again, Jesus knows about every doubt, every concern, every fear and every tear, every struggle with temptation.  He knows and he cares!!!  He will guide us through.

Jesus really IS our BEST FRIEND.  And there is not one like him.   

Christ above all things,



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