Monday, April 17, 2023

Sleeping Makes Kisses

When my youngest brother was very small, he was Mama’s boy. 😊  Oh how he loved her!  There is nothing wrong with that.  I pray that every little boy has a loving relationship with their mother. 

John would climb up on Mom’s lap and kiss her cheek, all the while hugging her tightly.  Mom’s face would beam with love and happiness.  There was one day though, when Mom asked John for a hug and kiss. 

John said, “I can’t.  I am all out of kisses.” 

“What?”  Mom asked, You’re out of kisses?”   Mom was both surprised and amused by his answer.  “How does that happen?"

“I used them all up,”  John replied. 

Of course, Mom couldn’t resist.  She asked him when he would get some more. 

“I will make some more when I sleep tonight.”   In his young mind, this made perfect sense. 

Occasionally when it was bedtime Mom would tell John he better make plenty of kisses that night, so she could have lots of kisses the next day. 

Sometimes our days are so full … we’ve been so busy and by the end of the day we are exhausted.  As women we play many roles.  We take part in so many different lives and they depend on us to call or text them, to cook supper, help with homework or any number of various things that usually become our job to do. 

And when we turn off the light at night, we’ve given all we had to give that day.  We are “used up.”  Then we pillow our heads and pray for God to give us energy for the next day.

It may not be kisses we make in our sleep, but it might be love - our acts of love.

 When we wake up the next morning, our routine begins all over again.  Each day has its own challenges.  And each day we wake up refreshed and ready to go – to be the best we can be – for the sake of our Savior. 

 It is God who renews our strength.  May we be thankful He allows us to ‘make more.’

“For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.”  Jeremiah 31:25

Christ above all things – Robin


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