Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The Ides of March

I usually don’t mention days on the calendar, but sometimes it just seems appropriate.  March 15th is known as the Ides of March.   Many of you are probably familiar with Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar.  I read it when I was in high school. 

The play includes a rather famous line – “Beware the Ides of March,”  Although Shakespeare’s tragedy isn’t completely factual,  Caesar was assassinated on the ides of March.  He was betrayed by men he thought were his friends. 

I don’t know that much about Julius Caesar, but I did read a couple of articles about him.  He had appointed himself ‘Dictator for Life’ and the senators of Rome did not like that.  They did not want to lose their positions of power.  It was jealousy and greed that led to his assassination. 

Our Savior was also killed because of jealousy and greed.  I mean no disrespect to Christ in any way whatsoever.  Caesar was a pagan who did not believe in the One True God.  Jesus Christ was the Son of God.  So there is absolutely no comparison. 

Jesus was betrayed by one of His own apostles.  Judas was one of the twelve men closest to our Savior.  Although He knew it was going to happen, I cannot imagine what that must have felt like to Jesus.  How hurt He must have been! 

We know Jesus prayed three times in the Garden of Gethsemane to “let this cup pass from me” (Matthew 26:39).  He did not want to go through what He was about to go through.  Jesus did not want to die in such a horrible way.  Still, He submitted to His Father’s will. 

One can almost hear the words of our Savior as He prayed.  One can almost see Judas greet Jesus and kiss Him.  We can hear the sword being drawn and the cry of Malchus as his ear is sliced off.  Can you imagine the look of wonder on the servant’s face when Jesus touched his ear and healed him? 

Jesus paid an incredible price for the souls of the world.  His death and betrayal redeemed us from the evil one.  But this redemption is only for those who choose to acknowledge and obey Him. 

Jesus made an extremely important statement in John 15:14.  He said, “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” 

“Which commands Jesus?”

“All of them.” 

“Yes, but what about …”

“All of them.”

“Surely, You don’t mean …”

“Robin, I mean all of them.  If you love me you will keep my commandments.”

Jesus will not force us.  It is all up to us. 

Christ above all things – Robin


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