Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Lyla's Horrible Day

If there was one thing Lyla knew after fifty plus years on this earth, it was that she really didn’t know anything.  It seemed like nothing ever stayed the same.  

“It certainly isn’t like it used to be, is it Henry?”  Head tilted to one side,  her dog looked at her questioningly. 

 “It seems as if the whole world is turned around backwards or something,” Lyla continued.  “Everybody is out for themselves and they don’t care what they have to do to get ahead.” 

Lyla never dreamed Janine would take credit for the work she did on the Martindale project!  But she had.  Worse yet, Janine got a big promotion out of the deal!  Lyla was devastated by the betrayal.  It had been a horrible day for her and she felt all alone. 

Her phone rang again.  It was her best friend Vicky.  She had already called three times; but Lyla just couldn’t bring herself to talk right now.  She put the phone down without answering. 

Henry jumped up on the couch to sit beside her.  Lyla was happy to have him there.  He scooted right up next to her.  She drew comfort from his closeness.  “At least you won’t double-cross me will you, Henry?” 

She leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes.  She sighed deeply, trying to blink back the bitter tears.  Then Lyla prayed.  Well, she prayed as best she could. 

She was still so hurt; and at first she didn’t even know what to pray.  But once Lyla got started, she poured her heart out to God and told Him what had happened.  She was honest about her anger and how unfair it was for Janine to claim she did all the work on her own – especially when Lyla did most of it. 

She began to feel a little better.  Her prayer helped her feel more at peace.  She remembered 1 Peter 3:12.  “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,  and His ears are open to their prayer.  But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”  That verse always gave her such great comfort.

God had never failed Lyla before and she knew He would not fail her now.  She thought about Jesus’ life while He was here on earth.  He was rejected and reviled. 

Christ lived a sinless life.  He served others throughout His ministry.  He healed the multitudes of all sorts of diseases and He fed them because He had compassion on them.  Yet on the night, He was crucified, a crowd of people chose a known murderer to be released rather than the Son of God. 

Lyla realized Christ truly knew all that she had been through today.  He knew how these hurts felt.   She knew the Lord would take care of her. 

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”  Romans 8:37.

Christ above all things - Robin

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