Saturday, April 11, 2015

Flip-Flop, Flip-Flop - Don't Be a Flip Flop

      Well,  it's been about a month since my last post and what a month it's been!  Thankfully we've gone from the icy cold to milder spring weather.  I think most folks were quite happy to see warmer temperatures.  I know I certainly was.  It is now flip-flop weather!  Oh, how I rejoiced a couple of weeks ago when I donned my flip-flops for the first time this season. 
      As I listened to the flip-flop of my steps walking about to prepare for work I reveled in the joy of the nicer weather and the resulting freedom for my feet.  Flip flopping through the house, I suddenly thought that God doesn't like flip-flops.  Now I'm not talking about what I had on my feet.  Instead I was thinking about the double-minded man mentioned in James. 
     The book of James is full of practical advice about how to live as a Christian.  He writes to encourage us.  But in James 1:8 he says "a double minded-man is unstable in all his ways."   God wants us to be fully committed to Him.  We cannot allow ourselves to be double-minded.  Do you want a stable life supported with wisdom and strength from the Almighty God?  Commit yourself to Him.  We can't be wishy-washy about this. 
      Although this verse does seem to speak for itself, studying it in context will help us more clearly understand the importance of avoiding the instability of a double mind. After his introductory greeting, James gives strong words of encouragement to the Christian facing various trials.  We are to count it all joy to meet these trials, knowing our steadfast perseverance will make us "perfect and complete." (James 1:2-4 ESV)
      In verse 5, our brother James tells us if we lack wisdom, we are to ask God and wisdom will be given to us, for God "gives generously to all without reproach."  (ESV)  Then we get to the heart of the matter.  We should ask in complete faith.  We cannot doubt God.  If we waver in our faith - if we doubt the power of our God -- then we are like a wave of the sea that is tossed by the wind. 
      In other words, we cannot be flip flops.  We must hold fast to our commitment to the Father.  James' illustration of the wave being tossed about to and fro is easy to picture in our mind. We can't let ourselves be led away from God by first one thing and then another.  We can't believe He will give us the wisdom we seek to get through our trials one minute and then decide He isn't there to help us. 
     Verse 7 says the person who asks and doubts can't think they will receive anything from God. That wave is restless.  I can imagine that there is no peace for a double minded man who is always doubting, never fully confident -- never having the peace God offers. Being double minded means being unstable.  A fully committed faith in God lends itself to a stable life knowing we can always depend on He who loves us.
     This passage brings to mind the warning of Christ in Matthew 6:24 --"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and money."  (ESV)  We can't be flip-flops folks.  It just won't work. 
      We cannot let our faith waver.  We must hold fast to our faith in God's care and His promises.  Paul mentions the unwavering faith Abraham had in God's promise that he would be the father of many nations.  Romans 4:20 is a beautiful passage:  "No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew storing in his faith as he gave glory to God."  Abraham was certainly not a double minded man.  He remained focused on serving God and giving glory to Him. 
      We must be single minded in our vision -in our faith.  Peter doubted when he tried to walk toward Jesus on the water.  He took his eyes off the Savior, but turned back to Him just in time.  Jesus loved Peter and saved him.  He loves us too -- just as much as He loved Peter. 
      Later, we see the apostle became faithful to Christ.  He lived and died for his Master. In I Peter 1:9 he says the outcome of our faith will be the salvation of our souls. What a wonderful promise! 
     Peter goes on to tell us in verse 13, "Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."  (ESV)   Peter had gained the peace, strength and comfort of an unwavering faith in the Savior. He was not tossed about by the wind. 
     Paul said:  "But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward  call of God in Christ Jesus."  (Philippians 3:13b - 14)  Paul was focused on the goal of the prize for serving Christ.  We should be too. Abraham, Peter and Paul all had complete faith in God.  They served Him and brought glory to Him.  And the Father kept His promises to them.  We need to know He will also keep His promises to us.
      Enjoy your spring and summer. Let your feet be free. Wear your flip-flops as often as you like.  But keep them on your feet.  Don't BE a flip-flop yourself. Stay single minded. Enjoy the stability and peace of your unwavering faith.

Christ above all things,


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