Sunday, January 26, 2014

Every Christian Has Much to Offer

     It is a beautiful Sunday today.  I thoroughly enjoyed our worship this morning.  It is always a joy to worship a good and gracious God with a wonderful church family.  I love the folks from my home congregation and truly do consider them as family members.  I enjoy talking and being with them. 
     We encourage each other  -- help each other through our problems and rejoice with one another through all of life's happy events.  The most important thing is the fact that we serve Jesus together.  When you work and pray with a group of folks a bond is built and hopefully grows stronger through the years.
     Yesterday one of our ladies turned 96.  She has been a blessing to so many for such a long time.  She is healthy in her heart, mind, soul and spirit and is such a wonderful encouragement to everyone.  When I say everyone - I do mean that.  The children love her and so do all the adults.

      She has a certain charm and grace about her.  I think it comes from living with the love of God in her heart.  The young men who participate in assisting during the services and who take part in programs like Lads to Leaders are encouraged by her.  She builds them up and helps them feel good about what they are doing to serve the Lord. 
      She loves to give hugs and has always been one of the friendliest folks in our congregation.  I don't often get a chance, but when I do, I love talking about spiritual matters with her.  She knows so much about the Scriptures.  Once an elder's wife - now a widow - she has remained faithful to God all her life.  
       I have known several wonderful always-young-at-heart
 Christians who influenced my faith.  Our congregation lost another sister just a few years ago.  She was also a great Christian example to us all.  She never stopped working for the Lord all her life and always, always thought of others before herself. 

     I deeply respect and have a great love for an elderly gentleman who is a part of our local church family.  He was an elder for many years and truly loves the church Christ built.  And it was another very loving elderly Christian man who visited my Mom and Dad years ago and told them God needed them back in the church.
      Every Christian has so much to offer.  Senior Christians are more influential than they might think.  They have given so much for so long that perhaps they don’t understand their value - how much they are still needed.  They forget how much they have to offer.  Each member of God’s family is valuable.  We all have a place in His kingdom.  We all need encouragement. 
     While we enjoy the encouragement these young-at-heart  Christians give us, do we return the favor?  Are we thoughtful and considerate to them?  Do they know how much we respect them and love them? Do we take the time to stop and listen to them when they want to talk? 
       Over and over again, I am thankful for my local church family.  Many of the young men in our congregation hug our older ladies.  Sometimes, I stand back and watch these interchanges.  They are truly heartwarming. 
      We also have a young girl who never fails to go hug and speak to the older gentleman I mentioned.  He has loves children, so it is always a special treat for him to see her.  I've heard her tell him numerous times that she loves him.  I see the look on his face when she does.  And I see the smile on her face as she walks away.  Both are blessed by their sweet friendship. 
      When our young people take the time to speak to our more mature Christians – two groups of our congregation are blessed.  Maybe it is those of us in the middle who can learn the most from these exchanges.  Every Christian and every child has great value in the sight of God. 
     If we could learn to love each other like God loves us all, the church would be growing by leaps and bounds!  Our love for each other would be a great encouragement to each of us and a wonderful influence in the community.  After all, Jesus told us “by this all men shall know that you are my disciples because you have love one for another.”
      It is important to remember that this love and kindness for one another should not be saved and used only a few times a week when we are in the church building together.  We are supposed to show this love on a daily basis.  We should help each other when we need it – we should check in with one another when one of us is sick.  Offer to help when and where we can.  Greet one another happily when we see each other at the grocery store or at a restaurant.  We keep up with our earthly families, don’t we?  We should keep up with our spiritual family too. 
    This reminds me of a time years ago, when I lived in another town about 45 minutes away.  My oldest son was 5 and was the only child at the time.  We lived right next door to a married couple who was probably in their late 70’s or early 80’s.  They were Christians.  They were in good health and both of them loved working out in their yard. 
      They quickly befriended Adam.  It was a mutual friendship.  He loved them and they loved having him around.  This fine Christian man was patient and took time with Adam.  He taught him the names of all the trees in our yards.  The sweet Christian lady would give him cookies and lemonade.  As he sat on their porch with her – she would teach him about the birds they would see in the trees or in the birdbath. 
I was amazed at how much this Christian couple knew about God’s world.  I was also amazed at the kindness and love they showed to a little five year old boy.  Their friendship meant so much to him as they helped him pass the time during those long summer days. 
Unfortunately, I don’t remember their names; but it doesn’t matter.  I remember how that couple made my son feel.  I remember the smile on his face after visiting with them.  Their love blessed a sweet little boy -- and his mom.  As far as not knowing their names – well God does and I have no doubt that He will richly reward them for their good works. 
As so often happens for me, this is not the direction I necessarily intended to go when I started this post.  I suppose what I am trying to say is that we should never discount someone because of their age, whether it be old or young. We should realize that everyone has something to offer. 
 I can be encouraged by those younger than I am, because I remember being young. I remember what that was like and it was not always easy.  I know the youth of today are probably exposed to and tempted more than I can imagine.  To see them face the challenges they face and still cleave to their faith is inspirational. 
Those of us who are adult, but perhaps have not yet reached our senior years can encourage one another because we are going through many of the same things together.  It helps us to know that someone “in the moment” can understand what we might be facing. 
Not only can we help each other; but we can care for and offer help to those more mature than we are.  We can show our love to those who are younger and may need some practical advice or encouragement.  It is so important that our young people learn that the church building is a good place to be!!
      We can never underestimate the powerful influence that our senior Christian brothers and sister can wield.  They have gained much wisdom through all the experiences of their lives.  They can teach us to be thankful for what God gives us.  They can teach us about the joy of a Christian life.  They have wholly dedicated their lives to the Lord and still search for ways to work for him. 
      Senior Christians take pride in the accomplishments of our youth.  They are always willing to offer advice, love, comfort and wisdom to those around them.  In turn we can encourage them by letting them know how much their dedication to God means to us all.  They are the ones who give us the courage to keep on going. 
      So yes, we are all important to God and to our wonderful Redeemer, Jesus Christ.  Everyone has value to the Father.  And everyone has some talent they can use to give back to Him.  God values every member of my church family including me.  He loves each individual in your church family too -- including you. 
          Understanding the great love He has for us, doesn’t it make sense that we show our love for Him by loving our church family?
Christ above all things,

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