He was a stray that hung around at the grocery store where my brother worked. As time went by, it became obvious to the employees that he had no home to go to – no one was going to come and claim him.
My brother finally brought the stray home. I think the dog was very grateful. He must have been because he was gentle and easygoing from the very beginning. John named him Body Slam Dunk.
I thought it was a strange name for a dog. But my youngest brother was a great fan of sports. I am pretty sure ‘body slam dunk’ is a basketball term. I know what a dunk is – but I’m not sure about the body slam part.
At any rate he was a good dog. He and John were great friends. At some point, his name changed to Kemosabe – or Kemo for short. Eventually John went to college. Kemosabe became my parents’ dog then. They loved him too. He was a part of the family.
When my two oldest boys were big enough to play outside, Kemo followed them everywhere they went. He had someone to play with again. Not to mention he was a great guard dog.
Once when John came home for a weekend, he set up a tent and camped outside with Adam and Alex. Naturally, this was a special treat for them. I remember Kemo slept right outside the tent “door” the entire night.
Maybe he wanted to be as close as possible to them. I’m sure he had missed John. Maybe he was watching over them. With him there, it was sure nothing else was coming across that tent threshold!
Shouldn’t we feel toward God the way Body Slam Dunk (a.k.a. Kemosabe) felt about John? Shouldn’t we be thankful He had compassion on us when we were strays lost in sin? God wants to take us home to heaven. He sent His Son to die, so we would have the hope of living eternally with Him.
We should want to be as close to God as Kemo wanted to be to John. We should take Him with us wherever we go. God longs for closeness with us. He wants us to be part of His family just like Kemo was part of ours.
Guess what else? Kemo wanted to protect Adam, Alex and John while they were asleep in that tent. Christ wants to protect us from the snares of the devil and the cares of this world. That is why He died for us and built the church.
A relationship with a pet and his owner is pure. Unconditional love is involved. Loyalty and commitment are involved too and obedience. Before John could take this stray home with him, the dog had to do something. He had to listen to John’s voice and obey him.
Body Slam Dunk couldn’t go home with John until he got in the car. That really makes me stop and think! Will we get in God’s car? It is entirely up to us.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27
Christ above all things - Robin