It's morning, the beginning of a new day. You are in a wonderful mood. You feel good - great, in fact - physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. You have been particularly blessed over the past few days and everything seems to be going your way. Maybe you just met a deadline at work or finally finished that project at home, or learned of a wonderful upcoming event. Whatever the reason, you are on a high. You are in the best mood you've been in for some time. Then suddenly, one person comes along and says or does something to rain on your parade ... to burst your bubble. And in a flash, your high shifts to a low.
Haven't we all had this happen at some point in our lives? It seems there is always that "one." We all know what I'm talking about .. that one person who can "get your goat," so to speak. It seems there is always at least one person in your life who gets on your last nerve - who deliberately stirs up trouble or pushes all your buttons. Oh, what power we give that one person!
Conversely, suppose you are in a low state of mind. You received bad news of some kind or you don't feel well. Perhaps you made a terrible mistake at work. Maybe someone has hurt you or a family member. It doesn't really matter the circumstance, we all have our down-in-the-deepest-valley moments as well as our top-of-the-mountain-peak moments. And when you are so low you don't think you can go any lower, one person comes along to brighten your day. One person shows you they care. And in a flash, your low shifts into a little higher gear. Thank God for the power of that one person, whoever it might be!
Let's face it - one can be a powerful number. One person can help change another's outlook. One somebody can even help change a destiny. We all know the power of our ONE GOD, and we were created in His image; so why should we doubt this? The problem is we give the negative Ones way too much power. We must always be ready to overcome those negative ones. We can do that with God's help. The Father is always there for us. He has promised us that.
Jesus promised us that too. Remember? Well, Jesus gave us several beautiful promises; however two or three come specifically to my mind right now:
Matthew 11:28-30: "Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (NIV)
A yoke is made for two. If we will come to Jesus and take His yoke upon us, then He will help us bear our burdens. We must learn from Him and strive to have a gentle and humble heart as He does. Then we will find rest for our souls. (Oh, what a beautiful thought!) His yoke is easy and His burden IS light because He is the One who helps us carry it.
Jesus said we would face trouble in the world, but Christ is always our ONE. His power sees us through, because He has overcome the world. (John 16:33) Another passage that seems particularly relevant here is I John 4:4 --
"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome
them, because the ONE who is in you is greater than
the one who is in the world."
Isn't that absolutely grand? Whatever "one" who tries to defeat us will never ever be stronger than the One true and living God!!
The question for all of us is which "One" will we be in someone else's life? We have the power of choice. Will we be a booster or a bubble burst-er? Will we be the "one" who steals joy or gives joy?
The power lies within us all to do good, lift each other up, to be depended upon to listen, to care - to LOVE. What a wonderful feeling it is to the "one" who is a blessing to another's life! When we choose to bring light and hope into someone else's world -- when we choose to be as much like Christ as we can be -- that is when we carry His power within us. The good we do by being a positive One shines like a beacon in the night and brings God's glory to the world.
Haven't we all had this happen at some point in our lives? It seems there is always that "one." We all know what I'm talking about .. that one person who can "get your goat," so to speak. It seems there is always at least one person in your life who gets on your last nerve - who deliberately stirs up trouble or pushes all your buttons. Oh, what power we give that one person!
Conversely, suppose you are in a low state of mind. You received bad news of some kind or you don't feel well. Perhaps you made a terrible mistake at work. Maybe someone has hurt you or a family member. It doesn't really matter the circumstance, we all have our down-in-the-deepest-valley moments as well as our top-of-the-mountain-peak moments. And when you are so low you don't think you can go any lower, one person comes along to brighten your day. One person shows you they care. And in a flash, your low shifts into a little higher gear. Thank God for the power of that one person, whoever it might be!
Let's face it - one can be a powerful number. One person can help change another's outlook. One somebody can even help change a destiny. We all know the power of our ONE GOD, and we were created in His image; so why should we doubt this? The problem is we give the negative Ones way too much power. We must always be ready to overcome those negative ones. We can do that with God's help. The Father is always there for us. He has promised us that.
Jesus promised us that too. Remember? Well, Jesus gave us several beautiful promises; however two or three come specifically to my mind right now:
Matthew 11:28-30: "Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (NIV)
A yoke is made for two. If we will come to Jesus and take His yoke upon us, then He will help us bear our burdens. We must learn from Him and strive to have a gentle and humble heart as He does. Then we will find rest for our souls. (Oh, what a beautiful thought!) His yoke is easy and His burden IS light because He is the One who helps us carry it.
Jesus said we would face trouble in the world, but Christ is always our ONE. His power sees us through, because He has overcome the world. (John 16:33) Another passage that seems particularly relevant here is I John 4:4 --
"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome
them, because the ONE who is in you is greater than
the one who is in the world."
Isn't that absolutely grand? Whatever "one" who tries to defeat us will never ever be stronger than the One true and living God!!
The question for all of us is which "One" will we be in someone else's life? We have the power of choice. Will we be a booster or a bubble burst-er? Will we be the "one" who steals joy or gives joy?
The power lies within us all to do good, lift each other up, to be depended upon to listen, to care - to LOVE. What a wonderful feeling it is to the "one" who is a blessing to another's life! When we choose to bring light and hope into someone else's world -- when we choose to be as much like Christ as we can be -- that is when we carry His power within us. The good we do by being a positive One shines like a beacon in the night and brings God's glory to the world.
Christ above all things,