It was November, the season of Thanksgiving. In keeping with the season I challenged myself to be thankful for something different every day. It was also during the month of November that our ladies class decided we would collect non-perishable food items so we could help families in need. Our plan was to give a boxes of food to these families sometime before the Christmas holiday. We were excited to involve ourselves in this good work and ended up taking boxes to three different homes.
Somewhere during all this, I discovered (or perhaps re-discovered) one of the wonderful ways God works. The more thankful a person is the stronger the desire to share blessings with others. The more sharing we do, the more blessings God gives us. Then this wonderful cycle starts again. The more blessings we have, the more we want to bless others. This being blessed to bless others cycle keeps us in tune with our Creator.
The more giving and loving we do for others, the more like our Savior we become. It is no wonder Paul reminds us Jesus Himself said "it more blessed to give than receive." (Acts 20:35) And indeed it is. If you don't believe it, just try it and you'll see.
So what does all this have to do with clothes hangers? Well, I'm getting to that. I just wanted to lay a little ground work first. On the way to work one morning between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I began to think about how fortunate I'd been over the past few weeks. Then I started praying.
My prayers that morning were pretty specific. I asked God to help me more wisely use what I'd been given. I also asked that the Father would give me opportunities to serve Him. I think this is one prayer God never fails to answer! If we go to God with a sincere desire to serve ... to work for Him in some way, if we ask Him for something to do ... we can most certainly know He is going to give us something to do!
This particular prayer was answered very quickly. When I arrived at my office, I found a note on my desk. Our company had "adopted" a family for Christmas. The plan was to deliver non-perishable food items for the family and clothes and gifts for the two children on December 22nd. The two children were boys and their sizes were listed. Well, there was my answer! Here was a way to serve Him offered to me almost instantly. I couldn't help but say "thank you, Father."
On my lunch break, I bought some items for the little boys and brought them back to work. This wasn't the end of it. Less than 30 minutes after I found the note, I heard of another opportunity to help someone. This time it hit closer to home because it involved people I actually knew. Without going into detail, I was also able to help to this family.
Being able to serve others, especially when it is so needed is such a rewarding experience! Now, we are about to get to the clothes hangers. One weekend, I spent a good deal of time in our "extra room." We were cleaning, re-organizing and getting rid of items we no longer needed. We threw some things away; but I had some items boxed and ready to a take to a thrift shop whose funds went to support a home for hospice patients.
One of the boxes in my car was a box of ... yes, clothes hangers. They were still there when I went to Bible study that Wednesday night. One of our congregation's families lost their home in a fire. A list of needed items was posted on the bulletin board.
Guess what was on the very top of that list? Yes, clothes hangers. Another opportunity to help! And it turned out Mom and Dad were going to visit the family that night. Of course they took the clothes hangers with them. I honestly felt like God had just laid that right in my lap! It was a faith affirming moment for me.
Now some folks would say this was all merely coincidental. Some might say it was only "by chance" the hangers were in my car that night; but you will never convince me of that. Instead, I choose to believe it was another "chance" God gave me to help someone else. I truly believe the Lord will show us many ways to serve - to help others. All we have to do is keep our eyes and hearts open to the opportunities He provides for us to do good in this world.
I know it's only been a few weeks, but every time I hang clothes in my closet now I think about that list on the bulletin board. I think about our Heavenly Father. See, this story isn't about me. It's about Him. God's timing is perfect. His goodness is everlasting. He never fails us and when we are ready to serve Him, He will always present the "chances" for us to do so. That is pretty cool, don't you think?
"So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith."
(Galatians 6:10 ESV)
Christ above all things,
Thanks Robin. We are talking about things like this in church now. Good blog to think how these things can happen. Love you dear Robin! Aunt Annette