Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A New Baby

     Yesterday afternoon at 1:22 a sweet little baby boy was born into a Christian family.  He is a first child and a first grandchild.  His grandmother is one of my dearest friends.  This little life will forever change the world of his parents, grandparents and the entire  family.  Countless prayers were answered when he arrived safely "on planet earth" (as his father posted on face book).   
      Many friends rejoiced with the family.  I must say the event put a smile on my face all afternoon.  There is just something very special about the birth of a child!  It is indeed a joyous occasion.   Our Father in heaven knows about the arrival of each new life on earth.  We know He is happy because we know how much He loves us.  God is so very good.  He is the giver of life and I praise Him for that!
      Wow - so many thoughts are spinning around in my head right now!  Most people love being around a baby.  They are so sweet and so innocent.  The presence of a baby can soften even the gruffest, grumpiest of hearts. They are so dependent on others for their care.  A baby's pleasure is derived from the simplest of things -- being fed and cleaned and loved. 
       If only the world were as easily pleased as a young baby!  The simple pleasures really are still the best ones.  What a joy and blessing it is just to have your belly filled and to be able to take a bath or shower when you are dirty!  How wonderful it is to enjoy the love of a family!  We are so rich here in this country and we take our blessings for granted.  We know there are many who do not have the chance to be cleaned and filled on a daily basis.    
       We forget about these very simple pleasures way too often.  If only somehow we could keep the "I want its" out of our hearts!  If we could learn to be thankful for and make good use of what we have we would realize how much God really loves us and we would be so much happier.
       Watching others around a baby makes me aware of the impact even one small precious life has on others.  Have you ever sat in a room full of adults with only one baby in their midst?  Everyone focuses on the baby.  The conversation centers around him.  If he (or she) smiles, everyone oohs and ahhs over him/her.  If the child cries someone goes into action to soothe him.
        Remember what I said about the world being forever changed for the parents and grandparents?  Well, they continue to love and re-act to that baby as it grows from infancy to childhood, on through adolescence and into adulthood.  In other words, the child will impact them for the rest of their lives.  He will become part of who they are.  He will always be in their minds and hearts; and he will have a direct effect on their behavior.  They will seek to teach, to guide, to influence his behavior as they pray he will grow up to be a Christian and learn to follow God.
       As a child grows and his horizons broaden, he (or she) will begin to influence not just family, but teachers and friends.  The child born today will have an impact on others all his life.  Seeing a little baby makes me realize the importance of influence.  Each one of us carries within us a great power.  That power is the effect we have on one another.  It can be used for good or bad.  That is our choice.  We must be ever mindful that every deed done and every word said has some kind of impact on someone else.
      Hearing about the arrival of a new baby also reminds me that it is God who made families.  God's plan for a family was one father, one mother and children.  From the very beginning He told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply.  In His infinite wisdom, He always knows what is best for His children. 
      Even Eve understood that it was God who gave her children.  When Cain was born, she said "I have gotten a man from the Lord." (Genesis 4:1)  If the world could only realize and remember where life comes from perhaps they wouldn't be so willing to allow babies to be killed before they are ever born! 
        We should never take families for granted.  So many in the world today look on the traditional family with contempt.  Many do not realize the importance and benefits of a stable family life for a child; even when study after study has shown this to be true.  Families give children security and a certain sense of identity.  It is a lot easier to be happy if one knows who they are and where they belong.  Think about it.
       I know that sometimes things happen that are beyond our control.  Sometimes a parent dies very young and the remaining spouse is left to raise the children alone.  Sometimes sin enters into a relationship and a marriage union is dissolved.  Sometimes an unwed mother will make the bravest of decisions and keep her baby, raising the child on her own. 
         However, it is vital that family life be as safe and secure as possible for the child.  Other family members and even church family should rally around and help in any way that they can.  Positive role models for our children may not always be found within the core family unit; hopefully others will be willing to step in and support the child and the remaining parent.  
     Oh, I suppose I could go on and on about why babies are good for us and what a blessing they are.  A baby teaches us the importance of love.  Infants do not thrive when they are not loved, held, cuddled and talked to.  All of us do better when we know we are loved.  It is so important to be kind and loving to others. .  
       Because of their sweetness and innocence it is easy to care for and about a baby.  They are easy to love.  Learning to love a small child helps us to learn to keep that love in our hearts and share it with others.  Oh how the church would also thrive and grow if we showed as much love and concern for our brothers and sisters in Christ as we all show for a newborn baby! 
      A baby can even help us remember the love our God has for us.  The verse from John 3:16 takes on a whole new meaning after one becomes a parent.  The thought of losing someone we love so much horrifies us.  Honestly, most of us could not do for others what God did for us.  Could you do what He did when He gave "His only begotten Son?"  Having a child helps us realize the true depth of God's love.  
      Babies teach us about responsibility.  When we have a child, we begin to realize the decisions we make effect more than just us and our spouses.  Another person is in the picture now.  That baby is much more vulnerable than you are.  Choices are made with these thoughts in mind (hopefully).  Babies teach us about sharing.  We learn we cannot be selfish with our time or money, or even with our feelings.  We now share our lives with another soul.
       Finally, babies give us hope for the future.  Our children have a chance to let their lights shine for God and make the world a better place.  If we teach them properly about loving God and obeying His commandments -- then our children will be the ones who help Christ keep His promise. 
      Remember Matthew 16:18?  Christ said He will build His church.  He made us a promise back then.  He said "I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it."  Hopefully, our Christian children will teach their children and on and on down the line. 
      Our babies today really can change the world.  They will keep the church alive tomorrow and Christ will help them -- for the gates of hell will not prevail. Throughout the ages, the Church will always stand.  The world will never be without hope.  Thank you, God!

Christ above all things,

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