Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Joy of Forgiveness Bind Us Together

           One week a month I am truly blessed to be able to interact with other Christians and worship the Lord four days in a row.  On Sundays, I worship God with my home congregation. Worshipping on the first day of the week - every week -- is a very special part of my life. 
        Monday night is the night I meet each week with my prayer group. Together we are learning more about prayer every week.  As our prayer life continues to improve, so does our relationship with God.  We become closer to our Heavenly Father each week.  We have seen so many prayers answered!
        On the first Tuesday of every month, (sometimes the 2nd Tuesday if a there is a holiday or something) many of the ladies in our congregation come together for a monthly ladies' devotional and fellowship time.  The fellowship draws us closer to one another and during devotional time, we share our thoughts and learn from one another about God's word.
      Then on Wednesday night the whole congregation meets for a time of Bible study.  Different classes study together based on age and/or grade level.   After Bible class, everyone goes back to the auditorium for a short period of announcements and a devotional time.  These devotionals are given by different men in our congregation.  We have so many smart and talented men in our congregation who love the Lord and share some wonderful lessons with us. 
     I am so thankful that we live in a country where we are free to do this.  We must pray and speak up for our rights at every available opportunity so that we will always be able to worship and study together.  I think sometimes we don't realize how blessed we are right now.  I also think that we don't realize how dangerously close we are to losing the rights to practice and express our faith.  The right to meet in public assemblies of worship should be very precious to us.  We must do what we can to keep those freedoms alive for our children and our grandchildren.
      OK -- getting off track here.  The only thing different about this one week a month is the Tuesday night.  The other meetings I participate in take place weekly.  Yet, that one extra night - that one extra meeting adds a special quality to that week.  It gives me an additional spiritual boost and I happily embrace it. 
      All this makes me think of the early New Testament Christians.  Acts 2 tells us they met daily and from house to house.  This fellowship was a time of learning, of bonding, of exhorting and encouraging one another, and of praying together.  When I read Acts 2:42 and through to the end of the chapter, I see the meetings are full of joy. 
      These Christians had been pricked in their hearts after hearing the first gospel sermon.  Peter and the other apostles told them they were the very ones who crucified the Son of God.  Some of them were probably present at the crucifixion.  They heard Christ say -"Father forgive them for they know not what they do."  Those words probably came back to haunt them as the full impact of Peter's charge hit them.  They took part in and witnessed the cruel death of Jesus.  They were pricked in their hearts and asked Peter and the other apostles what to do.
     We all know how this turns out.  They were baptized for the remission of their sins and added to the church.  They were forgiven!  That is the reason their meetings were so full of joy.  Through the obedient act of baptism they had been washed clean of all their past sins, including their part in the death of Christ.
    It is an amazing thing when one comes to the realization they are forgiven for their past sins.  To understand the true beauty of forgiveness -- to relate the death of Christ to your own actions -- to think of where your sins would have taken you if not for the intervention of the great love of our Savior -- to know, really know that His blood washed your sins away is a wonderful, beautiful liberating event. 
     It is the joy of forgiveness that connects us to one another.  As Christians we begin to understand the cost of our forgiveness.  We come to realize the love Christ had for us.  We know that His blood is what binds us together.  Being with others who are forgiven sinners only magnifies the beauty of God's plan.  That joy and beauty of forgiveness is what forges our relationships with one another.  We are brothers and sisters through the blood of Christ!   No wonder they ate their meat "with gladness and singleness of heart!"
     Jesus built the church so that we could share that joy with one another.  He never meant for us to be alone in this world.  God's plan was perfect.  He had perfect vision. He knew we would need each other.  The joy of fellowship strengthens us, encourages us and helps us to mature and grow as Christians.  I am thankful for the blessings of fellowship. 
      This past Sunday night, my teenaged son was waiting for me to finish visiting with various members of the congregation so that we could go home.  When we were finally on the way he told me if we all have our own places in heaven, he knew my place was going to be one where I could talk as much as I wanted to.  Oh well, he knows me well.  I do like to talk; but I love being with my brothers and sisters in Christ.  They are like family to me.  I think that is the way it is supposed to be!

Christ above all things,

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