Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hebrews 11 - Don't Give Up - They Didn't!

            I love reading from Hebrews chapters 10 through 12.  Chapter 11 has often been referred to as the “Faith Hall of Fame.”   The Bible characters and their acts of faith mentioned here are an encouragement to me now; but I must admit that was not always so.  I used to be intimidated by these Biblical heroes. 
When I was younger, the remarkable stories of these characters often left me feeling that I could never measure up.  They did such great things for God!  Things I knew I would never be able to do.  But as I got older and studied each character in more detail, I began to realize that these people were just people who allowed God to use them.  They were ordinary folks like me and you.  They were not perfect.  Sometimes they messed up things too. 
Think about some of the people mentioned and it is not difficult to understand what I mean.  Abraham was called to go out not knowing where he was going, (Hebrews 11:8-9) and Sara received strength to conceive (verse 11).  Before she had Isaac though, Sara had become impatient and tried to bring about God’s promise herself by giving Abraham her handmaid.  Instead of putting his foot down, Abraham agreed.  This action ended up causing both of them plenty of heartache.
Isaac and Jacob are both mentioned in this chapter, but they both played favorites with their sons and suffered heartache for doing so.
            Moses became one of the greatest leaders of God’s people ever, yet he offered excuse after excuse before he finally answered God’s call.  Rahab lived a wayward life before she recognized God as the one true and living God.   And then look at those mentioned in verse 32 – Gideon – tested God.  Barak would not go to battle unless Deborah would go with him.  Samson had a weakness for the wrong women.  Jepthae made a careless vow that cost him greatly.  David – sinned with Bathsheba and Samuel had rebellious sons. 
            It is not my purpose here is to point out the bad in these people.  They were still truly great people of God.  The point I am trying to make is that God forgives anyone who seeks to be forgiven and uses anyone – ANYONE – who is willing to be used in His kingdom.  If we love Him and are willing to give our lives to Him, then He will forgive us for our past and even forgive us when we stumble along The Way.  More importantly, even though we mess up – He can and will use us for His glory if we allow Him to.  God is rich in mercy and abundant with His grace.  He loves to magnify the works of those who seek Him and do His will!
            These people are mentioned to encourage us in our daily walk with God.  The writer of Hebrews illustrates to us that these great people of faith acted for God in faith believing His promise.  His promise of what, you may ask?  It was the promise of His blessing ALL nations.  It was God’s promise of the coming Messiah and the established of the “kingdom that would never be destroyed.”  Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, David – none of them ever got to see Jesus on earth.  They never got to experience the kingdom of God (the church) on earth. 
            We were not alive when Jesus was here, but we can read of His life and ministry.  We know that the kingdom has come.  We have the promise that the church will never be destroyed.  The church is for anyone and everyone who is willing to obey the Word.  We are the recipients of not only Christ’s blood; but of the blessings that have come our way through the faith of our fathers.  Wow! 
            The Hebrew writer is telling us not to give up in our faith even during affliction because we have more and know more than those who went before us.  They did not see the fulfillment of their faith, yet they never gave up.  That’s the point!
God is telling us here --Don’t give up!  People who lived before you – who lived before the promise was fulfilled – who lived before Christ lived and then died for our sins did not give up.  They lived for their God who is also our God – the only God.  They lived for Him and the promise He made. And yet, they never really actually received the promise. 
I think God wants us to understand that these people were not super human.  I think He wants us to see the whole picture.  Realizing that these people were not perfect helps us understand that we don’t have to be perfect either.  Yes, they were ordinary people – BUT they had a great faith in God who does great things.  They lived for Him without having seen the promise.  We have more than they did because we know Christ was the fulfillment of the promise.  If they didn’t give up, we can’t give up!! 
God can still do great things through us.  So don’t give up.
 Let Him use you.  You will be blessed beyond measure! 

Christ above all things,




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