My youngest son, Aaron used to love to play with transformers. They were his favorite toys and I can't tell you how many of them he had when he was younger. Do you remember those toys? They were cars or trucks that you could twist and turn about and then would change into a robot. But may I submit to you that Christians were the first transformers?
Does that sound silly to you? Consider Romans 12:1-2 --"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
You see Paul was telling us that as Christians, God wants us to change. In other words, the world was supposed to be able to see enough of a change in our lives -- in the way we acted -- in what we did -- that by our very transformation and by presenting our bodies as living sacrifices to Christ -that we are "proving what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God." Our change in lifestyle proves our love for Christ; it proves God's perfect will. Isn't that wonderful?!!!! You have the potential just by living your life as a faithful Christian to prove God's goodness and power and perfect will?
Have you ever seen this happen?? Have you ever seen someone who was converted to Christ so completely change their life that people sat up and paid attention? Have you ever known of someone who merely by their transformed lives - caused others to want that same transition -- the same positive changes -- the same peace and joy and hope in their lives? I have seen this ... a Christian change their life --who they hang out with - what they do...that those people she previously knew were exposed to God's perfect will. And after seeing that change - they wanted part of that for themselves. To witness this change in someone's life is to witness God's incredible power to save!
And this is a commandment from God. We are not just to see this in others. We are to make it happen in our own lives, too!!! The scripture says "be ye" --not watch somebody else. It is for all of us -- each Christian is to change their lives.
In my Webster's dictionary the definition of transformed is "to change markedly the form or appearance of -- to change the nature, function, or condition of; to convert."
See what the Spirit is telling us here through Paul? Change what you are doing. Convert your life to one of service to Christ. We are even told how to do this -- "through the renewing of our mind." Now how do you renew your mind to have the mind of Christ? The only ways I know of are: 1) through Bible study --DILIGENT Bible study; 2) applying what you learn from your study to your everyday life; 3) developing a relationship with God through prayer - faith is made stronger through prayer and finally 4) spend time with other Christians who have been transformed -- changed -- to a life of Christ. They can give you the strength and encouragement to carry on and continue to carry out the changes you need to make in your life.
So allow your love for Christ to change you. Let the knowledge of God's word bend you to His way of thinking. Let the scriptures enlighten your soul and increase your your desire to bend to His will. Allow your prayer life to turn your heart and mind to have a strong love for God and the desire to serve Him. Ask your Christian friends to help you twist away from your old lifestyle. And PROVE through your life that God's will is good, acceptable and perfect. Show through your living sacrifice that living the Christian life is absolutely the BEST way of life there is --even though there really is true sacrifice involved. Leave the world behind.
I encourage you to heed Paul's plea and be a transformer -- transform from a worldly life to a spiritual one and let people that know see the transformation. God promises us that we will be richly rewarded!
Christ above all things,
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